View Full Version : hello....new member

07-06-06, 21:45
Hi all,

Just found this site and thought i'd give it a shot. Did't realise other people felt the same as me.

I've always worried about my health for as long as i can remember but it wasn't until November last year i had my first panic attack just after my Grandad passed away. Since then i've had a few attacks and am constantly worrying about dying and every pain/ache that i have is going to kill me. I've been to my GP and told i'm suffering from health anxiety and have been to a self help councellor.

My Grandma passed away a few weeks ago and the attacks have been more frequent and i've been suffering with headaches since the funeral, went to the GP and its tension-type headache but to me it's a tumour.

I don't have attacks every day but i do think i have an illness everyday i can read an article in a magazine or hear someone's story and then i have the ilness that i've just read about

I can't keep living like this and can't see myself getting any better but don't think anyone around me really understands.

Think i have written a bit too much hope it's not too boring

Flutterby xx

07-06-06, 22:02
Hi Flutterby

Welcome to the forum.

Sorry to hear about your grand parents.

There is as you probably have seen a wide range of info & advice. Any worries just ask anyone for help.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

07-06-06, 22:10
hello to everyone here. i am new also.
i've had health anxiety for as long as i can remember, though have only come to realise it fully over the past year. i'm currently having psychotherapy, but really think i could also benifit from exchanging stories and advice with all of the people here. i am very glad to have found this board on what seems to be such an unrecognised condition.

warm wishes to all here


07-06-06, 22:12
HI Calico

Welcome to the forum.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

08-06-06, 05:18
Hi Flutter!

Im so sorry about your grandmother. And your not alone and we all understand you! I am sure you will find this place fun, easy to use... supportive and crazy at times. We are all here for eachother like one big family *giggles* Take care and good luck. Feel free to contact me at anytime.

jocelyn ;)

08-06-06, 08:04
Hi Flutterby and welcome. I've got health anxiety too, also anxiety brought on by stress at work. You'll find lot sof support here.

Take care

'This too will pass'

08-06-06, 09:28
Hey Flutterby!

Just read my post "oh for goodness sake"
And you will see that i am the same, as soon as someone tells me a story about an illness or death, then that me im done for, i've got it, its going to happen to me!

This site is a life line for me, it chills me out and i get the reassurance i so greatly seek!

I hope you get the same benfits.


Hay x

08-06-06, 19:26
Thanks everyone for the messages i really hope this site is going to help, i'm not sure where else to go xxx

08-06-06, 19:51
not too much and not too boring flutterby

our ears and our hearts are open and i know how you are feeling every day


08-06-06, 23:35
Hi flutterby
Yes I know how you feel. My Mother died two and half months ago I feel the same way I am constantly worrying about my health. Every ache and pain I panic. I am afraid I have some dreadful disease. It's no fun. You are not alone in this one.

09-06-06, 14:27
Hi, welcome to NMP