View Full Version : HELP! Don't Know if I Can Do it?!?!

07-06-06, 23:22
Only 3 wks until my 9hr flight to America. Today I was sooooo weepy & down with stomach churning & back aching with tension & stress about it. The build up is starting. Don't know if I can truly do it - I would let my family down if I could not do it. Here I go again just like last year in April & in 2002. Why do I put myself through this - why can't I be like I used to: that is look forward to going on holiday - look forward to going on the flight? Can't stand the fear, the tension the worry - I think that I am ok -then bang - here I am today feeling the worry. Was ok until someone said to me today - only 3wks to go then!!!! I thought "Oh my God" only 3 wks. Worried about flight - about it being too hot - about going on rides (THE CRAZY THING IS I LOVE FLORIDA) - still I worry about going to America - Let's face it - I worry about everything. I don't deserve to be able to go on holiday because I just waste the chance - there must be loads of people who would love to go but can't for whatever reason - I get to go but don't want to!!!! What is wrong with me?!?!? (Other than the obvious that is).

Help I need some really good advice.

08-06-06, 03:17
Ok panic I can help on this one...

I just flew to Californa from Florida and back. I was scared to death. I had nightmares for a week before the flight. It was 2 flights there and 2 flights back. But, and the big BUT is I did it! You can do it too. I made a post just like yours of why is that why I dread things like a vacation that most people look forward to. I mean this is supposed to be a fun thing right? You do deserve the trip and quite honestly, once you get here to my home state Florida you will have fun. I too am a worry wort so I completely understand where you are coming from. There is nothing wrong with you other than bad anxiety. Take magazines, books, look at the movie, take earplugs so you won't hear the engines roar. Drink lots of water!!! I do hope you get on that plane because when you do you will be so proud of yourself as I was. I know you can do this. PM me if you want because I so know where you are at right now. Florida welcomes you.


08-06-06, 10:56
hi panicdiva

Just read your post and I can sense you are starting to feel really anxious as its getting closer to your holiday. Sometimes when someone says things like only 3 weeks to go it can set off a trigger and maybe thats why you felt so bad.

You mentioned you felt that you didnt deserve to go because you waste the chance and what is wrong with me - YOU DO DESERVE TO GO - OK you are feeling apprehensive about the flight and the heat and all the other What ifs we usually add to the list but if anyone deserves to go it is you.

One thing you could try is take a piece of paper and write down the left hand side all the negative thoughts about the holiday, ie Flight, heat, etc then on the right hand side write down all the positives - you wrote "I LOVE FLORIDA". Go down the negatives and challenge the thought and see if you could change the way you think about it. Look at the positive side of the page and concentrate on those feelings and thoughts and keep reading that side and reminding yourself how elated you will feel.

Not sure if this will help but I am truely thinking about you.


........life is for living not just for surviving

08-06-06, 20:21
Thanks so much for your replies Southern Bell & Darkangel!!! Firstly, Southern Belle, I remember reading your post about getting through that flight & I was so happy for you. I know you are right - I will be ok - but sometimes I just sink into that black hole where no amount of reasoning or positive thinking can get me out - it's a scary place.

Darkangel, I know that you too recently mananged a flight & I was delighted for you too. I like your idea about making a list. That is what I am going to do tonight. I don't know if it will help either but it is worth a try. I will let you know how I get on with that.

For quite awhile now I have actually been looking forward to going - it's just that; well you will know what I mean when I say that it is easier to be positive when it is a long way away; now that it is around the corner - reality has set in.

Anyway, I really appreciate the fact that you both are thinking about me & know what I am talking about - it really does help.

Thanks again.

08-06-06, 20:25
i know how bad this fear is, but just take a read at lisas post on her trip to australia after a year of hell and realise that you too can do it

stock up on your books on how to overcome anxiety and most importantly claire weekes books in which she mentions people who are afraid to fly

and believe in your self

we all do


09-06-06, 07:25

I just read your post and you sound so much like me! I just put a post up not long ago about flying, and like you, I was terrified. But you know what? I made it. Safe and sound. There and back to Canada on an 8 hour flight. It wasn't easy. But it takes alot of strength to face it and fight through it. many others don't and choose to never get on a plane so you deserve much admiration. And as for Florida you'll have a great time! It's so much fun and the rides aren't really like rides, nothing dangerous about them!

Get some meds from your doctor and just remember how safe it really is. Nothing will happen to you, you will make it safely and you will get through it. If I can do it so can you!! I do know exactly how you feel though so if you want to talk more I'm here!

Tasha xx

"To do anything in this world worth doing, we must not stand back shivering and thinking of the cold and danger; but jump in, and scramble through as well as we can."
-Sydney Smith

10-06-06, 16:12
Hi there,


I too can sympathise as i posted before my recent holiday to Cyprus. I am back and here to tell the tale! (read about it in success stories) I did take diazapam for the flight which really helped. The other two things that got me through were a pocket book called 'flying? no fear!' and a Claire Weeks cd, 'going on holiday' which can be ordered direct from pacific recordings.

Thinking of you India xxx

10-06-06, 22:19
Hi India,

Do you have a web address for Pacific Recordings?

11-06-06, 10:02
Yes, its www.drclaireweekes.co.uk you will find avaliable recordings there, (think you can only send a cheque) they dispatched mine really quickly.

I listened to my cd before i went, and once whilst there. Was good to know that i had it with me 'just in case'! She has a very reassuring voice.

Lots of Love India xxx