View Full Version : Girlfriend Anxiety and stress

31-12-11, 06:26
Ive been real lonely lately i am with a girl that i care about very much but it seems lately she has been busy. we have not been as close. this makes me anxious because i dont have to many friends.. she is my best friend and my girl.. i talk to her about everything.. i require a lot of attention.. i am a handfull and that has never been a problem for her.. but now all she wants to do is sleep and play silly online games when we have time together .. i just feel a bit lonely.. we have had a talk about this already but its still the same.. i just feel anxious and lonely. anyways this is just a vent.. maybe someone can relate

31-12-11, 19:25
Hi, as you say you are a needy person and most people will need a break from it now and then - not as in splitting up, just as in being able to do their own thing for a while. I keep going on about my recent CBT sessions but this might actually help you: it sounds like you lack self confidence, self trust and general self reliance. You are therefore reliant on other people to make you feel good about yourself. The problem is, if your life is a book, you are letting other people write it.

Do you have issues with abandonment, ie being left alone (for any reason) by people you care about (not just your gf), and/or feelings separation anxiety? Other symptoms might be feeling sad at the thought of leaving loved ones even for a short time, or feeling incomplete without them around.

01-01-12, 01:29
give her more space, often people need time to miss you :)
Also you need more friends and support outside of her.
It can be rather stressful if she is the only person you talk to about your problems.

01-01-12, 02:26
give her more space, often people need time to miss you :)
Also you need more friends and support outside of her.
It can be rather stressful if she is the only person you talk to about your problems.

I was told this very thing. You really need to have a life outside of the relationship you shouldn't isolate yourself. Also you will need to give her space. I'm having similar relationship problems myself.