View Full Version : stress/ anxiety?

31-12-11, 11:55
So the problem I've got atm is I keep gettin various pains and then I get so focused on it I can't stop thinking about it and fear every feeling I get is something serious. If and when I can get into something that I kinda wat to be doing I don't tend to notice a problem as such, until I switch back on if u like and then it starts up agen, the one I keep getting is pains in my head can last for a period of time or I can sleep and still wake with it but it isn't always in the same place sometimes it feels pressured and tight... This all started a couple yrs ago with a migrane an after tht I've suffered since and felt various pains sensations and panic moments, I also can find it difficult to switch myself off when in bed too with worried forts or pains... So I just sorta want reassurance for this to sink in surley if when busy etc I dnt tend to have a problem it can't b anything more serious than stress and anxiety? Its starting to get to a point nw of how long can this go on for feeling the way I do never feeling right and starts to get u down an the slightest thing annoys u even if it something little

31-12-11, 13:59
I've had tonnes of symptoms all due to anxiety... i've had endless tests: blood test, CT scans, ECGs, MRIs etc... all came back normal.

What we focus on, grows. A hypnotherapist demonstrated the power of suggestion to me once... so when we imagine things, our body can produce sensations.

Keeping ourselves busy is certainly a way to keep our minds off our bodies and symptoms.

31-12-11, 21:36
I've had eye test previous, had other symptoms checked heart etc.... But the amount of different feelings thoughts an stuff I've had is unreal! Tried st johns wart, rescue remedy.. Since its started up its been bad an been better too so I dnt think it cud b serious problems but telling my head that is a different matter.. I can keep myself busy to forget it for a time but will soon come bk pending what I'm doin (safety behaviour) I just wanna b normal agen as it were :(