View Full Version : Pets

08-06-06, 05:13
I didn't know how to title this. I have an 8 year old kitty. She's very vocal, sweet, and close to me. I rescued her in a busy intersection, obviously dumped at about 5 weeks old. I also have a bulldog that is my service dog. She is one of about 5% of all dogs who can detect seizures before they occur, do alerting behaviors so I can get to the floor on my own, without falling. She's saved me many injuries. It's an inborn trait. It can't be trained to a dog. I have trained her to be an assist dog too when I am in a sz. We have a special phone with one big pad she can call an amublance, she knows criteria when to call such as if she see's blood; if I do fall unconscious she positions me so I can breath well, opens my airway, and braces me in that position until I come around and many other things. But mostly, she's a wonderful friend. She started alerting seizures 3 years after I had her.

Because my PTSD I think started out with people acting oddly that came to my front door, I've had problems answering the door unless I have visual and verbal confirmation who it is. On bad days for me I can't even call out and ask "who is it", and could never look out the window. The only people who would pop on over to my house know I prefer they call and tell me first they're coming over. Which then means if someone is at my door? I don't know who it is OR put another way, an unforeseen knock on my door can cause high tension to becoming unglued for hours. In the last few weeks since spring has sprung I've had several workers trimming trees, fixing a clogged sewer, lawn treatments, a delivery came to my door. Two of those visits sent me into the tub, curtain closed, cluthing my dog in tears for hours. Which I know is the origination of this problem which I have to get stopped because my kitty and dog I know are picking up on my feelings and they're both becoming maniacs when the door bell rings or knocking. Yesterday started in with these high strung behaviors when the phone rings. It's not fair to them and it's putting me at a lot higher alert.

To alert for seizures takes a dog exceptionally tuned into their owner, which my dog is. Plus she's certified as a service dog, not easy to get. I sure don't want to dampen that in her. I do train dogs very part time but her breed doesn't tend to respond well to training out aggressive/anxious behaviors. What to do with my sweet kitty who goes postal I don't know. My husband came in the door tonight at about 8:00 PM. None of us heard him as we were all at the washer/dryer as we ALL tend to walk around as a group, another problem I'm sure for a different type of forum,but when he just said "hello I'm home" and we didn't hear him walk in? I thought for about 10 minutes, I was having a heart attack. I had all the symptoms. I wasn't of course. My poor pets went nuts too, my doggy threw up her dinner, but worse my poor husband. He feels so bad, this has happened so often. He even called, said he was on the way home which is ridiculous in itself I have to be called even tho I know when he's getting off, but I get to doing other things, I have short term memory loss, I forget. And he pays. He's been very generous about these reactions from us for 3 years but he shouldn't have to be. Nor should my pets because of what happened to me.
I've tried very hard to be very aware of my posture, verbal sounds and reactions, everything I know so they don't go bonkers and now the phone ringing? I know I'll have to work on their behaviors, I'm working on my own as best as I can but has anyone else had this problem with their pets or maybe we're all crazy at our house. If anyone has, what did you do? I find it very hard to train a cat who is stuck to me night/day going postal. My dog eventually if I can get better control of myself, I think she'll follow.
