View Full Version : Advice asap please

31-12-11, 20:20

I am experiencing a terrible attack of IBS at atm due to eating some spicy party food, I didnt think it would have this affect on me. I took two buscopan tablets about 20 mins ago, I know I need to give them a bit longer to work but is there anything else I can take too?Andrews salts or something as its making me feel really sick to. What a way to see in thre new year! Thanks in advance


02-01-12, 14:58
I'm sorry you got no replies for this, hope that your pain went away quickly!
For the future when I get a bad time I usually fill a hot water bottle, have a ginger tea (for nausea) (peppermint tea also works) inhale some essential lavender oil (to relax)
have a lie down, sleep if I can, lying on your front is supposed to be the best position for some reason, and take the buscopan which I find works really well.
Best wishes