View Full Version : Does anybody get waves of intense fear that are disabling?

01-01-12, 10:07
Hi everyone

Firstly, happy new year to you all. :)

I am 43 and been getting PA since I was 15, on and off. I have had several counsellors which do def help, but I still can't shift it completely.
Since just before Xmas I have been getting intense Panic first thing in the morning, about 5 seconds after waking up. I wake up with a wave of intense fear (impending doom) going through me accompanied by a White hot/cold wave sweeping over my body. This then causes me to have my usual PA symptoms which include sweaty hands, dry mouth, chest pain, bad nausea with retching. I am also too scared to move so feel paralysed.

Does anybody else get these waves of intense fear sweep over their body??

Love and hugs to all...


PS. I also have a very UNsupportive husband who doesn't understand or want to.

01-01-12, 10:40
Hi Yep i get them, the fear of them absoutley overwhelms me aswell, i retched EVERY morning for nearly 3 months, i still do at times but since my meds are kicking in im slowly getting better, mornings are still my worse time, i used to be that bad that i was retching over the sink whilst my whole body was shaking, heart pounding going hot with sweat dripping off me whilst trying to control my breathing at the same time :ohmy: i long for the day when i wake up feeling 'normal' instead of that feeling of dread when i open my eyes but with the help of my meds and councilling/cbt its slowly improving xx

01-01-12, 13:42
hi joe
i know where ur comeing from on the hot cold feeling i go stright in to a panic when this feeling comes over me and i have to try and control my breathing while thinking im haveing a heart attack . as for ur husband i find my wife dont understand ether i think ur on ur own at the end of the day only people who go through what we go through understand

01-01-12, 18:28
I'm glad others suffer this. I'm not as bad anxiety wise anymore, and I never really got panic attacks. But I know this feeling, I get it sometimes like someones in the room, an evil spirit or something or that I'm about to die at any moment. Scares the living daylights out of me!

eight days a week
01-01-12, 22:38
Yes I get this completely. You are not alone Jo :hugs:

02-01-12, 09:13
Thank you for replying....

Although I don't wish this upon anyone, it's nice to know that other people feel the same as I do. Sometimes I just go straight to the whooshing before any other symptoms, which makes it even more scary :(

Take care everybody


02-01-12, 11:04
Yes i get it, and i remember reading in claire weekes about the flash of panic in the tummy area and i think it is a common symptom. I sit there looking normal but inside i am so frightened, like a roller coaster of weird feelings that come over me. I dont know if anyone understands as i have stopped talking about them. Its always a comfort to hear of others out there though, the internet is a blessing in a way.

06-01-12, 18:59
Hey josyjo!! I share the exact complete same sensations as you do..i also had my first panic attack around 15 years of age just like you did..i am 24 now and i get these periods (months) where i suffer with anxiety on/off, intense sensations of fear and dread randomly come and affect me. I feel nausea on some occasions and stomach churning....i have seen my GP to arrange some CBT but the waiting list could be long so i might go private. Anyways, you are not alone..

07-01-12, 13:08
Hi, this is just a very severe "jolt" of panic caused.by waking up and remembering the anxiety of the days before. If it's that bad, you should seek support - try CBT rather than counselling as you need to get to the bottom of this anxiety once and for all. Such severe bouts of anx can also be caused by medication.