View Full Version : My Dad Urinates During the Middle of the Night :(

01-01-12, 15:26
Help. My dad is 60 years old. He is diabetic, but his sugar levels have been in control for the past few years thanks to his meds.

Ever since I had HA, I started noticing my dad get up to pee during the middle of the night. I don't know if this happens every night. I do not want to ask him too much about it because he thinks I'm getting too worried about him.

I read in a brochure from a pharmacy that waking up to pee isn't really a good sign.

I don't know if this is just one of the "routines" of a diabetic but I fear that his kidneys are getting bad and failing him.

Any advice please :(

01-01-12, 15:39
I wake up every night and go to the loo at least once or twice. I think it is normal for some people to be honest.

01-01-12, 16:11
does he drink a lot the hours before he sleeps?
I wake up most nights to wee- don't think much of it x

01-01-12, 17:03
Errrr, doesn't everyone get up for the loo in the night ? :blush: It is unusual for me not to, same for my husband.

01-01-12, 17:45
*boy and grand-dad in a graveyard.*
Boy "Grand-dad, is it true the people in here get up and walk around at night?"
Grand-dad "If they're enything like me they have to get up twice!"

Hehe sorry. Nearly all people past 50 have to go in the night as their bladders aren't as flexibal as when they were younger.

01-01-12, 18:44
I always wake up for a pee, so does everyone in my house lol, completely normal, nothing to worry about x

02-01-12, 02:01
thank you everyone for the reassurance.

sometimes i just overanalyze things because of HA. i hate myself for that :(

02-01-12, 04:10
I think its normal. I do it and Im even on oxybutynin and still sometimes do it even though I must admit not as much as I did before going on the medication.

I think its quite normal whoever said it isnt its rubbish. Usually if I dont wake up to go and wait to the morning is usually when I slept the whole night through. if I wake up in the nght then I hate going back to sleep with pain in my bladder because I need to wee so I simply get up and go. If people tell its not normal I just laugh at them if my gp was to tell me its not normal then I would listen to her but she doesnt so I think its perfectly normal.

Try not to worry bout it honey I think he is fine :)

02-01-12, 12:53
Me too- get up at least once often twice-drinking 500ml of lager as a nightcap within an hour of going to bed probably doesn't help-also not getting any younger !!!