View Full Version : help

08-06-06, 10:26
hi all just started a new job on monday and its going ok!had a good day yesterday but this morning i was reading the sun newspaper and there was an article in it about how the NHS is failing us because there was this guy who had been having bouts of dizziness and sickness for a while and the doctors thought it was nothing serious!turns out this poor guy had a massive brain tumour (which was operated on and now he is doing well!).so i am freaking right out now as i have been feeling dizzy and sick for a while although i have been doctors many many times they do keep sayimg its anxiety.i just feel so frustrated after having a good day yesterday i think why did i read that cause im back to square one,i even said to doc i would pay to have mri and she said not to waste my money!!!can anyone relate to how i feel i would love to hear back from you thanks take care rachel x x

08-06-06, 11:46
have you had to change your routine for your new job? that could be a part of it. also this heat we are having can cause dizzy sick feelings. also if you havebeen thinking about it a lot, health anxiety can really boost symptoms and make them seem so much bigger than they really are.
i'm sure everything is fine. stay strong and calm, and keep your chin up. congrats on the new job also :)


08-06-06, 11:56
thanks calico i think about tumours all the time its my biggest fear and has been for 4 years!!!i know that nausea and dizziness are anxiety symptoms too but sometimes my mind just races!!!thanks again for your reply hope you are ok take care rachel x x

08-06-06, 14:44
cheers nigel,it was in a article about the NHS failing us.i guess your right and im trying not to worry too much!thanks again take care rachel x

08-06-06, 14:49
I agree with Nigel. Doctors are very clever. I dont have any doubts about doctors these days like i used to, i dated a Gp about 2 years ago & they are extremely clued up people. I just avoid going now in case it IS something bad. If i can get past the initial fear of going i would trust what they say. There is always going to be bad stories but they are extremely rare, hense the reason they slip through the net with misdiagnoses.

Pete to win Big Brother! He is Daddy Fantastic with pants made of elastic!

08-06-06, 16:47
i really feel the papers make a big deal out of these kind of things. as often does the news. it seems to shed light on far more bad than good. i dont often read papers for this exact reason, as so many use scare tactics.

try not to let papers get to you so much. as the others have said above, your doctor knows best :) i hope you are feeling much better.


08-06-06, 18:39
Good advice here,ive stopped myself reading any health articles in paper,magazines etc. You need to remember these scare stories are very rare!!
And Nigel is right this man probably wasnt very health concious and was happy with his initial diagnosis,i bet the article didnt include any of this information.

I suffer with dizziness and sickness also due to anxiety i know its horrible but try and remember that anxiety does cause these symptoms,i hope you feel better soon!!
Good luck with your job:D
Take care xx

08-06-06, 19:55
rachael these stories are in the papers because they are so rare, you never hear of success stories because they are the norm and so frequent

i know it is hard but it really is best we trust our doctors because when iwe doubt them we have little left to trust

i know how hard it is believe me i do
as i struggle to believe i have not got a heart problem and wonder has my doctor missed it


08-06-06, 22:38
thankyou all so much i am trying to keep calm and yes if i do see anymore articles im just going to turn the page!!thanks again take care everyone rachel x x