View Full Version : pain in heart area, help plz

01-01-12, 23:55
hi guys,
im feeling spasms and pains on my left chest area (just under and behind left breast)
its been a few times today but right now its been happening a lot in the last hour.
im scared im starting to have a heart attack :'(
its like when you get invountary twitches in your muscles, but its so near to my heart and its slightly painful when it happens so im terrified,
anyone have this or know what it is????? omg there it was again :(

01-01-12, 23:57
Heart attack pains are not felt by the heart they are in the middle of the chest

You need to do some stretches to exercise the heart muscle - put your arms behind your back and stretch it out

02-01-12, 00:38
tried to ignore it and tried the stretching , neither has helped.
my gran has angina and her pain is always in that area, I'm worried it's that now

02-01-12, 00:41
it could just be trapped wind try drinking some warm boiled water :)

02-01-12, 00:43
can u get trapped wind behind your boob??

02-01-12, 00:52
yes and indigestion

02-01-12, 00:52
obviously angina would have to be diagnosed by a doc though

02-01-12, 00:54
oh and don't forget that anxiety causes chest pain too

02-01-12, 01:12
yeah i get trapped wind their all the time and in my back i drink boiled water or peppermint tea is really good if you have any in :)

02-01-12, 01:29
it's a twitch spasm followed by sharp pains,
it's def not heartburn as I get that all the time and thats why I know this is very different.

scared to try sleep incase don't wake up!

02-01-12, 01:37
If you are that worried then call the out of hours doc but trust me if it was a heart problem you would know when to call 999

I think you are just worried and then making it worse cos you are stressed out

Is is constant all this time?

03-01-12, 00:36
ok so I did wake up :)
it's not constant no, it comes and goes every half hour or so, I did wake up at 6am too and it was there but I was so tired I managed to sleep again.
I am still getting this pains and twitches in that area tonight and it's still freaking me out. :(
Im gonna see the doctor as soon as I can to get this checked out.
not convinced its trapped wind, but incase it is what could I take to try get rid of it?

I am stressed yes, have been for years!!!

04-01-12, 13:25
if its twitching then id sugesst its the muscles in your chest, you have loads of meat and muscles around that region, i used to have what you are having, heart pain isnt twitching and sharp pains either, but to put your mind at rest get it checked out, odds on its what i used to have