View Full Version : I don't usually stutter, but I did today

02-01-12, 02:33
I've noticed over the last week that when I'm in social situations (two separate instances) I've stuttered when nervous/shy. The other day I fumbled my words a bit and mispronounced several words (which I don't normally do) as if I had a speech defect. Today I genuinely stumbled over my words, and the woman who'd asked me the question I was responding to definitely noticed- she kind of leaned her head toward me in an 'it's okay'/why is this person stuttering kind of way.

I don't stammer. Except this week. Could this be a neurological issue?

04-01-12, 23:23

04-01-12, 23:44
Hi i think its normal to stuter and mix words up from time to time espasaily if you are talking to a person you dont usually it happens to me all the time dont worry

05-01-12, 03:02
I do this too sometimes. I noticed it a few days ago - and I'm studying to be a speech therapist, so it was concerning to me.

However, I noticed that it mostly happens when I'm under an intense amount of stress, and often when I'm saying something that isn't the easiest to pronounce (at work, I trip over saying 'horseradish roast beef', lol).

I will tell you that I've had several instances in the past where I thought, in one way or another, that I had a neurological issue or some other problem where I was going to lose my ability to speak. It terrified me. But it was all in my head.

If it's just in a social situation, you may have some social anxiety. If you can speak fine under normal circumstances, you're probably fine.