View Full Version : Back from Cyprus!!!! I Did It !!!

08-06-06, 14:03
Hey all, just a quick note to let you know i'm back, and had a FANTASTIC time!!! A few blips along the way, but i managed to overcome them! Will go into more detail later, but for now i'm going back to bed as our plane was 6 hours delayed, and didn't get in until 3am! Back on again soon, love India xxxx

Thanks to all for their support before i went xxxxx[|)]

08-06-06, 14:32
oh India that is wonderful news,what an achievment!Lok forward to hearing all about it!Lord the 6hour delay would have done 4 me mate!!love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

08-06-06, 14:56
Hi India

Excellent ro hear your news. Knew you could do it hun

Well Done

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

08-06-06, 15:19
hi india

well done to you, i am so pleased for you, it will have given u a huge boost to your confidence as well


........life is for living not just for surviving

09-06-06, 09:45
Thanks for your replies!

Well, lets start from the beginning! On the flight on the way out i had a bit of a wave of panic which i managed to overcome by reading a little book that i would strongly recommend to anyone scared of flying, its called FLYING? NO FEAR! by Captain Adrian Akers-Douglas. It covers all the aspects of the flight and how to cope with panic and anxiety whilst onboard. Got me through it!!!

The holiday was so relaxing and i can honestly say i felt 100% relaxed! Especially whilst lying by the pool! We went to a wedding which again, i enjoyed and although slightly apprehensive, did not let it spoil my enjoyment, and i lasted right till the end!!

A day before we came home i felt quite bad, i think i didn't want to come home! I listened to my Claire Weeks Cd 'Going on Holiday' (avaliable from pacific recordings) which i found very reassuring, and i forced myself to go out in the evening. I had a great time, and even ended up on the stage in front of about 50 people, while the club magician 'sawed' my head off!!!!!! Remember, i could have stayed in my room feeling sorry for myself but i didn't. It was a huge confidence boost.

Day of departure rep tells us plane delayed 6 hrs..... we stayed at the resort (thank god not the airport!!! think that would do anybody in!!) We finally were away, and on the way back i didn't need to look at my little book! I even managed to eat some airoplane food!!!

My advice to anyone going away is to JFDI!!!!! I never thought i would enjoy my holiday as much as i did, and in a way it was good to have some blips, because i proved i can overcome them. Can't wait to go to travel agent to see where we can go next year!!!

Thanks to all who have supported me, Lots of Love India xxxxx[8D]

10-06-06, 18:41

Well done on coping so well and doing it.

Huge progress so fab news to read.


10-06-06, 23:37
Well done India. Glad you managed to enjoy your holiday.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

11-06-06, 00:04
Well Done!

Its always so encouraging posts like yours.

You have demonstrated that even "people like us" can go up on stage and have their head chopped off with no fear! :D

You go girl!


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

11-06-06, 10:09
Thanks Nicola, Karen and Ray!! Glad my story has inspired you.

Ray, Typical of the magician to pick on ME eh? It didn't hurt honest...

Love India xx

12-06-06, 19:58
hey india!!!
I am so glad u had a nice time!!!


13-06-06, 10:15
Thanks ammeg! You were right when you said it all feels like a dream now, i can't believe i actually went and did it!

Thanx for support, love India xx