View Full Version : Very pessimistic about the new year

02-01-12, 14:58
Every new year I usually start and feel positive and hope for a good year but after a few disappointing, hard couple of years 2012 is just gloomy. I keep thinking of the end of the world and now depressing and empty things are for me these days being single. I feel pretty hopeless.

I know it sounds silly being negative about a new year before it's started but I'm already bracing myself for a stressful year. :blush:

02-01-12, 17:39
Hi, I cannot fathom why all this stuff about a 2012 apocalypse came about. Just because someone made a calendar that didn't continue into infinity... it isn't easy enscribing 10,000 years of history into clay (just watch Stargate SG-1), it's no wonder they gave up. Most of us would have finished on page 1. Note also that the descendents of those responsible for the calendar do not regard 2012 as anything special and they certainly do not live in fear.

My mum's 2011 Elvis calendar ended on the 31st of December but the Earth didn't get hit by an asteroid. Although she did get mildly regretful about having to chuck another 12 pictures of Elvis in the bin. :winks:

02-01-12, 20:07
It can be hard to suddenly change your way of thinking, I know how you feel Phil. My negative voice in my head is saying "This year won't be any different to the last few"

Then its like I'm on a downer already and its the 2nd day of the year.

You have to try to dig deep and just think ok, new year and I am going to make damn sure that this year is better. Maybe by just setting yourself tasks that may help you improve. Easier said than done I know but if we don't change anything then we can't expect life to get any better.

Chin up :)