View Full Version : THE EAGLES!!!!!!

08-06-06, 14:41
hi all

I went last week to see the Eagles tribute band they were absolutely great and i didnt panic once at all.. just got a bit anxious at beginning.. :D

anyway Friday 23 june im going to hampden park in glasgow to see the real Eagles live.. omg thousands and thousands of people.. wonder if i;ll be ok in the crowd [:o)]

i love the eagles so much.. so i will def be going.. just wondering if theres anyone on here going to be seeing them at Hampden Park in Glasgow..lol [}:)]

hope to hear from someone soon
love lucy xxxx

08-06-06, 14:52
Hi Lucy -
Well lucky you :)
Seeing the Eagles live would just be way to cool !!!
No such luck here - living in BFE no real concerts to speak of to go to unless you count something like the Wiggles or Sesame Street live - hahaha
You have to give all the details after so I can live vicariously -lol


You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself. "I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along."

- Elenor Roosevelt

08-06-06, 14:54
Hi Lucy

Well Done Lucy

So glad to hear you had a good time.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

08-06-06, 14:56
Hi Sandy

sorry but wheres BFE??


08-06-06, 14:58
ooh fab,i love the Eagles one of my fave bands,wish i was going too.mmm wonder if there are any tickets left ;)...what a brakthru Lucy you go girl!love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

08-06-06, 15:38
no but i envy you. playing in ireland this weekend and me hubbys company have a corporate box in the stadium but i couldnt get a baby sitter

have a ball and

"take it easy"


08-06-06, 16:55
Hi Lucy - well done on the concert and hope the real McCoy goes well for you.

I had never heard of BFE either but did a Google Search and found that the Eagles would never perform anywhere near!

It must be an Americanism....


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

08-06-06, 17:23
well done Lucy, you are doing so well hun. Wow The Eagles I love them, how I envy you.

Have a brill time

Luv Barb xxx

19-06-06, 18:29
OHHHHHHHHHHH 4 days to go guys, im starting to get butterflies but hey im sooooooooooo excited lol

take care all

20-06-06, 04:00
BFE must not be used in the UK. Sorry :)
It's Bum Flippin (not flippin but I couldn't type the REAL word on here) Egypt - it's just slang for out in the middle of no where :)

have a great time Lucy and remember I WANT DETAILS - lol :)


You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself. "I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along."

- Elenor Roosevelt

20-06-06, 12:04
Well Done Lucy,:D

My Mum went to see them with her partner on Saturday in Twickenham while I dog sat for them in Plymouth. They both throughly enjoyed it.

I hope you have a fab time! Don't get to Desperado now Lucy! LOL Sorry crap joke! [Oops!] [:P]

Take Care,;)

Love Pip's X X

21-06-06, 10:56
Hi Pips cheers lol

3 nights to go now.. im all excited but nervvy same time

take care all

21-06-06, 12:19
well done lucy

i was the same i have just returned from holiday so that was my major achievement, and then on saturday i went to see take that live in the city of manchester stadium. amongst 80,000 people and i was standing on the pitch, so if i can do it then you can

be brave and keep thinking positive and i want to hear all about it next week as i am going to hamden park in september to see robbie williams

take care


21-06-06, 15:53
Hi Ruth

thanks for the post.. yeah i love Take That too... i will let you know how i get on.. i will love it i know.. think its just the butterflies creeping in a bit with all the excitement too.

take care speak soon
lucy xx

21-06-06, 18:41
Hi Lucy,

Well done. Well, this is giving my age away, he he, but I saw the Eagles live in the early 80's and they were fantastic! Of course I was just a babe then, lol. Have a great time.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

22-06-06, 08:33

you go for it girl. once there you will have an absoluely fab time.

remember the anticipatory anxiety is always the worst once there you will wonder what all the fuss was about. Have a good time and let us all no how you got on

apparently my boss went to see them in birmingham at the beginning of the week but not spoken to him to see if he enjoyed it.

have a good one and remember this is your treat - a very big one

big hug


26-06-06, 19:48
Hi guys..

Well i did go to the Eagles concert.. [^] well to be honest i wouldnt go back to Hampden Park [xx(] 1- couldnt really get to see the stage.. thank god partner had binoculars with him 2- i was too high up on the seats and i panicked like hell my body was soo tense.. and i was light headed.. felt like saying to partner have to go but no i stayed... and 3- well i did cope right through, it was only at the end i started to relax.. the atmosphere at concert wasnt that good coz it was light.. the final 2 songs it started to liven up and getting dark then crowd going mental etc.. so i would say yes and no by enjoying it... [}:)]

Take care guys
love lucy x

I think i;ll just stick to watching them on DVD!! lol at least you can see them close up [}:)]

27-06-06, 08:18
Hi lucy

the thing here is you still went and coped when not feeling too good.
you saw the panic out

well done at least you can say you have seen the Eagles even if you could not see them lol

Keep good work up lucy and take care


27-06-06, 20:36
Hi Bobsy

Thanks for your post...

Take care too
love lucy xx

28-06-06, 11:54
Well Done for going and coping Lucy. You did well hun.

Take Care,

Love PIP'S X X

29-06-06, 12:41
Hey hun ,you were THERE!You stayed!It is a pain when you dont really enjoy it ,specially when it is a fave band[happened to me wen i saw Pual weller]but still a huge step forward,fabulous!love mary-rose.xxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

30-06-06, 18:40

Well done you for staying and coping and not running off.

You did fab!
