View Full Version : Can't deal with being home again:(

02-01-12, 16:58
I have spent since last Tuesday at my friends house. I came home today and i'm hating it.
My parents are shouting at each other as per usual, the boiler is making the chainsaw noise and sometimes i get a throbbing upper gum (its not wisdom tooth it came through 3 years ago and is near the front) and im scared that it is cancer as i also have a tearing gum down the bottom :(.
The throbbing gum happens once every now and then and sometimes bleeds aswell. (this bleeding started a few days ago)
i HATE living here so much.

william wallace
02-01-12, 18:17
Back to normality then Emma:D

02-01-12, 22:28
Yep. Back to college tommorow :\
On the upside I'm going on holiday to New York City and San Francisco at the end of the year :)

---------- Post added at 22:28 ---------- Previous post was at 18:55 ----------

also used a year old worn brush 4 months n teeth didn't bleed with that but wirh new hard brush they do a lot n cover the brush with blood. wot if old brush didn't clean teeth properly. my brush at my nans house doesn't make my teeth bleed. its soft but new ish.

03-01-12, 09:27
Emma I have to use an extra soft toothbrush as I said in your previous post my gums bleed, some teeth are wobbly etc. Different people need different toothbrushes, that's why they make them in different sizes and densities.
If you go to Boots or wherever, get one that says 'soft'. It might be that you brush too hard, I'm quite rough when using a manual toothbrush do always use a soft one.
You should save up and get yourself an electric toothbrush, my dentist said you cannot over brush with them, or brush too hard. I've noticed vast improvements since I got mine.

03-01-12, 18:23
Thank You. :)it does worry me lol the pain i get in my gums and then i feel tired at the same time aswell as headaches and nose pain lol.
Thanks for your advice :)

---------- Post added at 18:23 ---------- Previous post was at 15:06 ----------

had the headache today n nose pain and had a terrible dizzy moment when i wasnt anxious then it went.
none of this happens when im anxious.
i think its adrenal cancer now :'(

03-01-12, 18:51
Hi Emma,
I was in a similar situation about a year ago. An undiagnosed panic attack made me believe everything was wrong with me. I had more aches and pains than I'd ever had in my life. I've had heart attacks, blood clots, aneryusms, you name it! Once one pain would go, another would come.

I would get the same headaches for weeks, pain in my nose and face, dizziness and lightheadedness. A lot had to do with my sinuses and the fact that I clench my teeth at night and even sometimes during the day. I don't even realize I'm doing it. Maybe this could be the cause of your throbbing gums too?

Please just believe that this is all anxiety and even though it may feel horrible at the time and you feel like you can't do it anymore, you CAN and you WILL. Believe me I know that it's much more easier said than done but you can do it.

I'm a year into this and although I still get my moments of chest pain due to heartburn and tension, and moments where I feel like I can't breathe. I just tell myself that I've made it through this before and I will again. It's made things a lot easier!
You'll get through this :)


03-01-12, 18:52
I have thought that maybe i unconsioculy clench my teeth and facial muscles causing the pain x :)

william wallace
03-01-12, 19:05
More chance of winning the lottery than getting adrenal cancer Emma, it's very rare.
Good one though:hugs:

03-01-12, 19:09
Hi Emma, you need to stop googling chick, ive never even heard of adrenal cancer?? you have your doctors appointment soon don't you? xx

03-01-12, 21:44
Thank you.
I saw a post on here about adrenaal cancer once
Yes it is soon. had to re book it as it clashed with college. Now on the morning of the 6th of Jan.

william wallace
03-01-12, 21:50
I saw a post on here about adrenaal cancer once

You cant get it from reading a post:)

So, apart from the adrenal cancer, howz you tonight Emma?

03-01-12, 22:17
Good thanks just tired.
Was the weather bad were you are in Scotland today?
I live on the south coast and it was bad enough here but just seen on the news the weather in Scotland and it makes it look like we had it easy.

william wallace
03-01-12, 22:25
Hiya pal, yeah it rained heavy all day with gale force winds. A few trees came down and stuff but we're used to that. Good news for me actually because I do a bit of chainsaw work and hopefully a few calls tomorrow from folks needing trees removed.
Could do with some extra cash coz Mrs Wallace spent a fortune over Christmas:ohmy:

05-01-12, 19:54
My mum overspends on xmas aswell every year x