View Full Version : Worried About My Heart

02-01-12, 18:20
Hello everyone! Long time reader of NMP!

I'll cut a long story short, I am 28 year old, who has a long history of anxiety and panic symptoms. I have had most of the symptoms associated with anxiety over the years and still get a few although I do feel a bit better nowadays compared to the years I spent taking Citalopram for depression with anxiety.

The only medication I take now is 10mg of Amitriptyline daily as a preventative for migraines, which has been working for nearly 3 years now.

However since April 2011 I have been experiencing sharp pains in my arms particularly my left, the pain tends to be near my bicep and down near my wrist, this does come and go but lately it seems to be hanging around a bit longer, I also get some sharp chest pains, pains in my back and cough sometimes when I'm panicking or nervous, the more I think about it the worst it gets and then when I think oh I haven't had that cough, it all comes back within a few hours! Also when I'm coughing I get a metallic/blood taste in my mouth. I am worried that all these pains is a heart attack brewing and that taking Amitriptyline has damaged my heart.

Also I have looked at the symptoms of heart attacks and this has made me worse, now im getting a bit of jaw pain too. Any help appreciated. :weep:

02-01-12, 19:01
Have you read Claire weekes Book?

02-01-12, 19:04
No I have never heard of that? Will it put my mind at rest?

02-01-12, 22:04
I'm going through the same heart worries too! I've been suffering from health anxiety for almost 3 years now and this is my second big heart scare. First time I thought I was having a heart attack I also went online and scared myself so bad that I ended up in the ER! they did an EKG which was normal and told me it was anxiety. I also got a 24 hour heart monitor which results came back normal too.

Fast forward almost 2 years later to today... Been having left chest pains, backache, indigestion (which I've had for years but it's flaring up bad) and nausea. So I go online again and see that these are all symptoms of a heart attack especially in women. Then I read some stories or women my age (29) who were misdiagnosed with panic attacks just to have a heart attack later on! Why in the he'll did I do this to myself?? So three days ago I ended up back in the ER totally CONVIENCED I'm having heart troubles. EKG, blood test that checks for heart attack, and echocardiogram all fine. I couldn't complete the stress test though because my heart rate was so high... Anxiety doctor said.

So now I'm home and paralyzed with fear because I am having trouble accepting the anxiety diagnosis. So anyways here's my advice to you so you don't have to go through the drama I'm going through. If you are very worried then by all means go get it checked out for piece of mind ... Eventough we know anxiety can cause chest, back arm pain..really pains anywhere because all of our muscles are so tense. Once the doctor checks you out and gives you the all clear then rest assured you are fine! I've had doctor after doctor tell me how rare it is for people our age to die of heart attacks or heart related diseases. Yes it can happen but the odds are on our side. Oh and I second the book recommendation ... Claire Weekes is amazing! Xx

03-01-12, 08:23
Thank you for your reply luv2teach :)
Yes I do understand where your coming from about getting it checked out but im too scared to go to the doctors. I've had all the common anxiety symptoms in the past but it's only since I have been taking Amitriptyline that I have been worrying about my heart after reading the following article.
