View Full Version : Weird head felling

03-01-12, 04:58
Hey there...I have been having a few problems since new years eve...it started i felt abit strange...things looked dereal and my head was heavy my eyes were light sensitive...it started when i woke up had a head ace and felt gross but on new years eve night it felt worse...its 4 days later and i still fell sick..my eyes fell sticky..my head fells heavy..fells likea bit of presure in my head...its strange what if im like this forever

03-01-12, 15:56
sure its not some sort of migraine/tension? id pop to the docs they can perscribe something to relive the pain and put your mind at rest

03-01-12, 16:15
Did you not say that you stopped some medication as well?

03-01-12, 17:14
yes i did stop some of my Mirtazipine for a few days any my dad said it might withdrawel but ive taken my medication since then..its been about 5 days now..I will go see docs tomorow thank you all