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View Full Version : Pelvic Pain

03-01-12, 11:29

I have posted on here before, but with a different problem. My symptoms have eased for that particular thing now but being a HA sufferer, I can never just be 'alright'. and just have to find something else to worry about! Anyway here goes with my latest concern. I have to say that this time i am convinced something really is wrong.

I am 54 years old and took HRT until 3 or 4 months ago. I stopped taking it without consulting my GP when I just ran out of tablets and thought I'd see how I got on without them. A few weeks later (about 5 or 6 weeks ago, I think) I started to get a pain in my groin, quite low down on the left. It's not agonising, just uncomfortable. Sometimes it travels down the inside of my left leg too and occasionally I have back ache with it. Recently I had some pain during sex (sorry, hope this isn't as embarrassing for you as it is for me).

I had similar symptoms a couple of years ago but I think this time it's lasted longer. When I had regular periods (not sure if I have stopped having them altogether due to being on HRT until recently) i used to get period pains on the left hand side only.

When I'm not feeling hysterical and worried, I reassure myself it's just a groin strain (it started the day after I helped my sister move house and was doing a lot of lifting - although I don't remember pulling anything.) But surely that wouldn't cause pain during sex?

I am really scared and don't want to go to my GP as I always seem to be there with one thing or an other. I am worried I may have I have ovarian cancer. Please could someone in a similar situation give me any reassurance?

03-01-12, 11:50

Whilst I don't know much about the menopause, I think what you should bare in mind is that HRT is designed to help relieve symptoms of the 'change'. As the name suggests hormone replacement therapy, your body got used to HRT and now that you have stopped them without consulting your GP, in my, non medical opinion, your hormones have gone la la.

I know exactly what you are thinking and although easier said than done, stop worrying, HA heightens any aches, pains etc as we home in on that feeling/ache/pain and sit and analyse it and look for it all the time. With you having pain during sex, depending on how bad the pain is, this could be pelvic inflamitory disease which I think can be treated through antibiotics. On another more, out there idea, I had pelvic pain, period type pain for months and without boring you with the details, I discovered it was actually back ache. I had a physical job and was lifting heavy things up and down stairs and once I stopped with job this pain went. I convinced myself of alsorts, had my coil removed, had a gynacology examination and a scan, all came back clear, at no time did a doctor suggest it was a back problem!!

Although the thought sends your panic into over drive, you HAVE to see your Doctor, if it is serious the sooner you have it checked out the quicker you can put your mind at ease. The chances are it's nothing but isn't it worth seeing your Doctor to have it properly assessed, because if it is something serious the quicker you have it dealt with the quicker you can get back to normal.

Keep positive and try to stop worrying hunni xx

06-01-12, 23:04
Thanks for taking the trouble to reply xx:)

08-01-12, 09:45
Feeling a bit better thanks. :) Strange though, - as symptoms a bit worse and loads of back ache now - but I don't feel quite as anxious. Perhaps it is sciatica related? I didn't think that could affect groin are though.