View Full Version : What movies to watch to help you calm down?

03-01-12, 13:26
I quite like watching movies, what do you guys like to watch in order to help you relax?

03-01-12, 13:41
Well,Im glad someone has asked that question,because Ive come to the conclusion that watching damn SKY news all the time has been very unhealthy for me!!!

Before Xmas,I had a meltdown and after getting help (meds) I decided I wasnt going to watch anymore tragic,horror or gore that would trigger of fuel my already obsessive thoughts about death,illness and loss.
I was dreading Xmas Day and really wanted it all to be over,but me and my family went to my Mums for Xmas dinner (I wasnt even fit to cook or plan a nice meal)
we had a nice day and ended it with watching Mrs Browns Boys Series 1........absolutely hilarious!!!
The 1st episode of the new series was on BBC1 last night and had me screaming with laughter again....
so I guess my answer is COMEDY COMEDY COMEDY!!!!

---------- Post added at 13:41 ---------- Previous post was at 13:40 ----------

I might add that I had a decent nights sleep last night too,after months of insomnia

william wallace
03-01-12, 13:59
I like cookery programmes on the Discovery Channel, Culinary Asia, Planet Food, Man V Food, Diners, Drive-in's and Dives etc also like movies with not too much but some:D blood and snotters.

03-01-12, 14:03
I never read the paper or anything like that, hearing about bad stuff makes me anxious! I will try and catch what you suggested though!

william wallace
03-01-12, 14:09
Very little in the way of violence in cookery programmes apart from the occasional shrimp or fish being battered, or a steak being flattened:)

03-01-12, 14:25
Watch something funny as as far as I know its difficult (maybe impossible) to remain stressed and anxious while you're genuinely laughing. And laughter has its own range of benefits: http://www.helpguide.org/life/humor_laughter_health.htm

03-01-12, 22:06
I watched a film called Paul about an alian really funny and last night I watched the green hornet another funny one. My partner loves comedy and he is always happy so taken a leaf out of his book. And one of his sayings is live for today. :yesyes:

Oh and loved the semi final and the final of the darts last night and the night before. :winks:

Cathy :yahoo:

william wallace
03-01-12, 22:08
Drop Dead Fred. It's on Gold right now:D

03-01-12, 22:33
I am a sucker for the true movie channel :blush:

I love comedy though and a good old belly laugh can do wonders for the soul :D

03-01-12, 23:35
I watched a film called Paul about an alian really funny and last night I watched the green hornet another funny one. My partner loves comedy and he is always happy so taken a leaf out of his book. And one of his sayings is live for today. :yesyes:

Oh and loved the semi final and the final of the darts last night and the night before. :winks:

Cathy :yahoo:

Oh I watched that the other week. One of my boyfriends pals had lent it to him. I didn't fancy it at all but it was Really good!


---------- Post added at 23:35 ---------- Previous post was at 23:34 ----------

Harry Potter. Total Escapism! :)

04-01-12, 00:02
Watching the shopping channels late at night makes me feels like my life can't be all that bad.

04-01-12, 01:07
It's not really a movie, but I love to watch Friends reruns. They make me laugh and they face problems in that show but are still able to be happy and have a great time and make the best of it - it makes me feel optimistic.

04-01-12, 03:24
Watching the shopping channels late at night makes me feels like my life can't be all that bad.

Your post made me smile cause I put them on late at night too to try calm myself/go sleep!

Movie wise, a good comedy usually cheers me up...i always recommend As Good As it Gets (hence my name choice) stars jack Nicholson as a writer with OCD. Not describing it well but it so funny and real feel good.

blue moon
04-01-12, 05:42
Shindlers List,I like.And Serpico:)

04-01-12, 07:09
My attention span isn't always high enough to sit through a whole film, but I find David Attenborough nature programmes very relaxing (his voice is just so calming), and I also like antique programmes and The Big Bang Theory.

I've never been one for actually laughing out loud, but I love hearing my daughter and husband laugh, that makes me laugh more than anything else.

I stay away from the news, films with death or loss etc or anything that will make me cry.

04-01-12, 07:50
oh i love nature films (until it shows animals catching its prey,then i have to switch over for a bit) Frozen Planet was fantastic!

04-01-12, 10:04
LOL, me too - its the death thing again isn't it.

04-01-12, 10:24
I often watch films that I watched when I was younger, lots of films from the 80's. I think its because it takes me back to a time when I had no worries and way before I even knew what anxiety was.

I also love watching nature programmes as well.:)

04-01-12, 11:29
I find watching things like thrillers and whodunnits help me a lot, I think its because my mind is focusing on the plot and trying to work it out, so I get more engrossed in it.

I also weirdly find films about submarines relaxing !

04-01-12, 19:25
LOL Mikes, submarines?! I love whodunits too, especially Agatha Christies. A nice slow plot with a bit of humour and nothing grizzly.

04-01-12, 19:38
& Downton Abbey!!....love period dramas coz im a bit sad like that,lol

04-01-12, 20:02
Someone else mentioned Attenborough and I find the programmes fascinating and his voice very relaxing. I have really got into Ice Road Truckers because I love the landscape and I become really absorbed in the characters and their lives on the road. I would have found it boring 20 years ago, now I'm glued to the screen when it's on.
A film I find very relaxing is the Graduate, as much for the Simon and Garfunkel soundtrack, the cinematography and Dustin Hoffman's fantastic performance as Benjamin Braddock.
My all time favourite has to be Laurel And Hardy whose films I find very funny but also oddly comforting

william wallace
04-01-12, 20:05
I been watching a three part adaptation of Great Expectations, and the only violence seems to be Pip getting the occasional clip round the ear:)

04-01-12, 22:15
ooh i missed it,but i,ll catch up on bbc iplayer this week

william wallace
04-01-12, 23:21
ooh i missed it,but i,ll catch up on bbc iplayer this week

Well worth watching:)

05-01-12, 02:02
& Downton Abbey!!....love period dramas coz im a bit sad like that,lol

Liking period dramas isn't sad - it shows you have exquisite taste! :shades:

05-01-12, 09:09
Ive been doing my familytree for 6 years and am absolutely obsessed with History .....I wish I,d have paid more attention at school,and maybe even done something career wise,but for the moment its just a hobby,which I havent even been able to concentrate on for on the last few months because of this horrible GAD,PA's etc

05-01-12, 15:50
Made the mistake of starting to watch Beowulf yesterday. My mothers fault. Creepy human eating monster is not good for anxiety!!

I watched Treasure Island on Sky this week which was quite fun! I love fantasy films (as long a they are not to gory). Harry Potter and Stardust are my favourites atm although my boyfriend can't stand them!

Reading Attenborough's biography at the moment actually! I think that man can make anyone relax.

05-01-12, 17:16
Big moms house 1 ro 2 lol it’s an afoul movie but sometimes that’s what’s needed :)

05-01-12, 22:37
Austin Powers: Goldmember is the most I've ever laughed at a film.

Scary Movie 3 was a corker as well. The funeral scene is probably the funniest thing I've ever seen.

Sickandtired: If you like history, you'll LOVE Time Team. Great fun.

07-01-12, 12:21
Right now I'm watching the TV show How I Met Your Mother. I loved reading everyone else's answers, I added a few to my "movies to watch" list! :)

08-01-12, 18:50
bruce almightly is really funny

08-01-12, 19:00
oh i love bruce almighty!! the newsreader bit.....pmsl

08-01-12, 19:15
All movies that make you laugh out loud or cry all good for the emotions. 'Bruce almighty' for Laughter and 'The Notebook' for a good cry.

08-01-12, 19:31
'My Sisters Keeper 'for a good cry......i cried buckets......wont watch it again though....far too sad in my present state!!

08-01-12, 22:31
I love watching comedies. If I am feeling low , a comedy is something that will cheer me up.
Beethoven , shrek, jackass , anything haha

william wallace
08-01-12, 22:59
The Fast Show, need I say more:)

08-01-12, 23:13
Films with a feel good factor and Happy ending .Like Bridget jones ..Pretty Woman .As good as it gets .Jack Nicolson is Brill ..Luvd One flew over the Cukoos nest .Also Sex and the city ..Sue

10-01-12, 10:21
Films with a feel good factor and Happy ending .Like Bridget jones ..Pretty Woman .As good as it gets .Jack Nicolson is Brill ..Luvd One flew over the Cukoos nest .Also Sex and the city ..Sue

Yep Yep Yep... all of the above and the Vicar of Dibley. You gotta love Dawn French:winks:

william wallace
10-01-12, 10:46
Dawn French, not really into BBW but, Dawn French:dribble:

10-01-12, 12:53
Dawn French, not really into BBW but, Dawn French:dribble:

Oh but come on she is funny, don't knock it until....


william wallace
10-01-12, 13:51
Yep she definitely a hottie, particularly in the vicar outfit:winks:

10-01-12, 14:02
Yep she definitely a hottie, particularly in the vicar outfit:winks:

10-01-12, 23:51
Liking period dramas isn't sad - it shows you have exquisite taste! :shades:

Couldn't agree more and I find them calming, escaping from the stresses of the modern world to when life was more simple.

---------- Post added at 23:51 ---------- Previous post was at 23:47 ----------

Also, kids programmes. I have been known to watch In the Night Garden and The Waybaloos, and no I don't have any young kids! Lol !:D

Octonauts is good too!

william wallace
10-01-12, 23:55
Iggle Piggle, the tomblyboos, the ninkynonk, macca pakka, upsy daisy need I say more:D

11-01-12, 13:06
Lol! I know! But I just find it mesmerising and distracting. Also, given that it's aimed at toddlers I find it easy to watch when my concentration is too poor to watch anything else. Off to watch CBeebies. :yesyes: