View Full Version : so scared please help!

03-01-12, 19:04
I can't stop worrying about nuclear war! Especially with the way things are going at the moment! Every day I check the news and freak myself out into such a panic.
Id say I think about it half of the day! I'm only 18 so id say I'm pretty ignorant but I was wondering if the threat of ww3 is just scaremongering and if this has been going on for years? Are the thoughts im thinking irrational or fairly justifiable?
Does anyone else think thoughts like this?
Any comments would be appreciated, thanks in advance!

03-01-12, 19:16
There is no threat of WW3 ! and if there was, it wouldn't be a nuclear one. I'm sure there are lots of people on the internet think they know better and blog about it etc... ( along with elvis still being alive ) but anyone with even a vague understanding of how world economics work knows it is something that couldn't ever happen.

All the superpowers in the world ( who are the only ones who could conceivably start a nuclear war ) currently get on quite nicely, and need to to keep their countries functioning. China used to be seen as the biggest threat, but now most of their economy is based on exporting goods to western europe and america, they wouldn't start a war with them.

The only wars that will happen, will be smaller localised ones, and these aren't going to involve nuclear weapons, so I don't think you have much to worry about !

03-01-12, 19:18

The 'threat' of WW3 has been there as long as I can remember, as long as there have been nuclear weapons. I use the word 'threat' in inverted commas because, I don't percieve there to be a threat of WW3, but I know what you mean - that it could happen. I know what you mean about fearing it and having these thoughts, as when I was younger it used to freak me out big time. I can even remember being in school one day (during one of those days where the world was about to end.....again lol) and thinking a nuclear bomb was about to drop.

I think we are right to have a healthy respect of nuclear weapons, and they are indeed frightening things, but as much as I despise the thought of them....I don't think people 'want' to use them. They are a status and power symbol for nations, and a kind of 'don't touch us we are armed' strategy.

I don't know if it will help you to think of things this way....but if someone was to fire a nuclear weapon then you can bet 100 % they would get one sent back in their direction. Therefore I think, and hope, that nobody wants to risk their own security by using them.

03-01-12, 19:22
If Im honest I have had similar thoughts,many years ago......Im now 40
and we,re still here!! & I even used to have dreams about war.....
I have made a decision recently to stop watching SKY news as it has already heightened my anxiety.The M5 tragedy played on my mind for weeks at a time when I was already extremely worried after my Mum had had a seizure.
Just before Xmas I had a meltdown and had to go on meds,but I also think you have to take steps to help yourself.Ive stopped watching any upsetting,gory or horror films and will only watch comedy or feel good films.....so far so good.My meds have kicked in and I havent had a panic attack in over a week.
It is normal to have a little worry in the back of your mind about the world etc,but when these thoughts take over and stop you doing day to day things,then I would go and speak to your doctor.

03-01-12, 19:23
Carys is correct, the only country currently perceived as a remotely possible nuclear threat is Pakistan, and if for some odd reason they decided to launch a missle, their entire country would be wiped out before they could do much damage to other countries. They wouldn't risk a war against the entire rest of the world.

03-01-12, 19:33
Thankyou so much for the normal answers people its exactly what I needed to hear! I Google it so much in the hope of comfort but instead all I get is a load of people with even worse anxiety than myself giving a load of conspiracys!
I also dream about it all the time, I think this fear started when I had a dream a bomb went off and I thought is actually died. Is this a symptom of anxiety because iv never talked to anyone about it!

03-01-12, 19:39
If you want to understand why it wont happen a bit better, do some research and reading about the world economy ( sensible sites, not conspiracy theory ones ! ) once you understand how all the different countries interact with each other financially, then you will see how unlikely any large scale war is, and also how it is actually impossible for certain countries to take action against other ones.

03-01-12, 19:40
p.s. the world also won't end this year, the mayans just got bored of making calenders, so gave up once they got to 2011 !

03-01-12, 22:13
LOL ! I am fed up of the 'world ending', blimmin stupid.

07-01-12, 15:25
I know everywhere you turn someone's making up a new crackpot theory! It's not fair on people like me that are prone to worrying! Haha