View Full Version : Very upset help

03-01-12, 21:18
hey guys, i just took my blood pressure and i got 100/130, i thought to myself that that was awful fast for i was just watching TV, then i got a panic attack and it felt like my heart was gonna stop! like 170 beats per minute, i got chills everywhere, my chest is in pain from the hyperventilating, now im just EXHAUSTED, yet im afriad to sleep... incase i die :(

03-01-12, 21:43
It seems very strange to me that your diastolic pressure is higher than your systolic pressure (second number higher than first). Are you sure you don't have the two numbers mixed up? Anyway, lots of things can cause your blood pressure to temporarily go up, including a panic attack. Your blood pressure even varies throughout the day. I have had high readings when I was very anxious or even when I was taking cold medicine, but normally my blood pressure is fine. It doesn't mean you have anything wrong with you just because one reading was high. You would need a history of multiple high readings taken by your doctor to be diagnosed with hypertension. And even if you do have hypertension, it is very treatable and it does not mean you are going to die. You will be fine, just keep an eye on it once in a while (NOT checking every 10 minutes!) and have your doctor check it if you get more high readings.

03-01-12, 21:44
Try to relax mate and keep your breathing under control! You need a good sleep I think!

Remember it will pass!

03-01-12, 22:16
shit ye sorry it was 130/100 haha, almost sent me into another one!

---------- Post added at 22:16 ---------- Previous post was at 22:09 ----------

ewood79 check ur private mail!

03-01-12, 22:33
Is your BP monitor accurate? What are the readings usually like

Sit calmly for 10 minutes then take it again if you need to but worrying about it will make it higher anyway

04-01-12, 08:33
When i'm relaxed, my readings are usually around 120/74, sometimes 118/68 :unsure:

04-01-12, 08:53
u have your own blood pressure machine? prob not a good idea if you have health anxiety it just makes it worse, id go to drs and get him to do a sitting and standing reading just for your own reassurance really tc amanda x

04-01-12, 11:15
the electronic ones you put round your wrist? ye ive been pulse checking lately too after giving it up for so long :s gonna avoid the monitor today

04-01-12, 13:01
120/ 74 is normal ive been told is usually the average for a healthy adult, 130/100 in panic, is to be expected
T x

04-01-12, 13:37
The wrist ones are not as accurate as the arms ones as well but those readings are fine

04-01-12, 13:48
i had bp moniter ,drove me mad ,threw it away ,not a good idea .. as when we panic bp does rise your bp great

04-01-12, 14:38
Just so you know, your blood pressure varies based on the time of day as well so a more accurate account is an average of multiple readings at different times of day instead of just one time. Based on your other readings, you seem perfectly fine.

04-01-12, 16:46
thanks guys! ye they're not good, i don't trust them, gonna avoid them, i feel really deflated today though, like not myself, dizzy, weak, upset really. The panic attacks last nyt were the worst in a long tym, and im just trying to get on with things but i cant shake the feeling that theres something with my heart... does anyone else get similar feelings after a major panic episode? x

ps i bought the dr claire weekes book! 2 infact! they'll be here in a week, couldnt come sooner!lol