View Full Version : Blood clot worry

03-01-12, 21:22
Hi everyone I've not been too bad for a few days but today all the worries have come flooding back.... I woke this morning and was fine then just before leaving the house j started to notice a sharp pain when I walk right at the top of my leg almost groin area... As the days gone on the pain has calmed down a little it aches when I walk but not too bad but walking up and down stairs is agony! So all day ive been panicking that I have a blood clot!! And now can't get that out of my head was supposed to be starting back at the gym tonight but I'm too scared to go incase I do have a blood clot and that makes it move. Do you think this sounds like a blood clot or just muscle strain???

03-01-12, 21:54
Doesn't sound anything like a blood clot to me to be honest.

It is just a strain

04-01-12, 01:05
It sounds more like a muscle strain or just joint pain.

It's pretty easy to get pain like that at the joints - just think of all the people who have knee pain or shoulder pain. It can be a sensitive area.

I have actually had this before - maybe you slept on it funny, or took a funny step without realizing it. Try taking a hot shower and maybe putting a heating pad on it - along with some pain medication. Then, relax. Thinking about it too much will just cause the pain to stick around, trust me.

If you give it a good try - rest, meds, heat - and it still hurts in a few days, by all means see a doctor and they may be able to see if you strained something and/or help you with pain (or tell you if it's something more serious, but I really doubt it is).

Best of luck.

05-01-12, 00:19
I was paranoid about a blood clot in my leg just recently and even went to an ultrasound to find there was nothing wrong. It would usually be swollen, warm to touch, sometimes red in colour, and would move around...

I'm pretty sure its probably just a muscle strain or something like mine was but if you're worried go to your GP and they will advise you more :)

05-01-12, 21:25
Thankyou all for your advise the pain eventually went away so probably was just muscle strain I just seem to panic at every little ache just now!