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View Full Version : Spot on my leg

03-01-12, 21:31
I was just getting ready for bed there when I noticed a spot on the back of my calf! It's sort of the kind of spot you'd get on your face but I have one on my leg! I can't imagine it'd be a bite of any sort but now I'm freaking out and feel like I'm itching all over and have some sort of disease in my leg! Even thought I KNOW it's probably just a heat spot or something.
God I hate HA!!!! It just feels like everything is happening to me at once and that's why I'm so anxious. I never used to have these sorts of problems before. :(

03-01-12, 22:36
It is just a spot - we get them all over the body at times. It is nothing serious I am sure.

03-01-12, 22:51
I have that to, I am so worried. Mine is on my calf, it's a red/pink colour, hurts, and isn't itchy.

04-01-12, 08:33
I also have one on my calf which I have had for months now it's never changed shape or colour but from time to time I worry about it but my friend seems to think I've had an I growing hair and the skin has grown back over it causing a spot.

04-01-12, 17:51

Sounds like a possible infected hair follicle or imgrowing hair. Since having my son my leg hairs grown super fast so I shave everyday...every now and again I also get a spot or two on my legs.

Put some cream on it and don't scratch, should go in no time!
