View Full Version : New Year..new worries about health!

03-01-12, 21:31
Every new year I seem to worry about something else but always comes back to the old health worries and getting ill.
I have had bad heartburn which has eased...but now my stomach feels bloated and uncomfortable. I get IBS but have got an unusual stabbing pain in my lower abdomen. So am now worried, cyst or ovarian problem, and always think the worst.
But could it just be old IBS playing tricks on me??
I do need to lose weight as hate my stomach feeling so flabby, but am paranoid there is more to it. I had an ovarian cyst years ago so bit worried I might have another...
Am I just fat and stressing myself with IBS???
Or is it more....why can't I relax and ignore worrying thoughts x

03-01-12, 21:36
try to distract yourself a lot to take your mind off of your health. If not , go to a doctor and let them do tests to put your mind at rest. Or take kalms which is a natural remedy which relieves worries xx