View Full Version : Can U talk yourself into an irregular heart beat?!

08-06-06, 20:10
I'm getting quite obsessed with an irregular heart beat but I cannot take my pulse as Im too scared! Im sure that its a deadly arrythmia and that im going to drop any minute. I also get quite dizzy during the day at work, but it seems to dissapear at home?! Can anxiety trigger irregularity and is it dangerous?! I know you're not docs so sorry for asking questions like this, but maybe you've had something similar and had it explained?

I've had 3 ecg's and one doctor who came out two weeks ago, who said my heart had a 'lovely rythm', can it have come on this quickly?? My ecg's were also fine. However, he did say I had a strong signal from the right side, but that it didnt take into account i was a young fit lad...Im not fit at all!! I smoke, drink and havent done ANY exercise for months as I daren't. I have played sport all my life though i suppose!

Sorry for going on guys, im just fretting here big time and typing away like a loony!!! Hope evryone is dealing with things better than me!

Will x


08-06-06, 20:18
if you had the thing you fear the ecg would have certainly picked it up and yes absolutely you can take or think yourself into irregular heartbeats, palpitations , chest pain , heart flutters and much more. i have done it on many occasions.

i am told daily that this is not dangerous but i still fear it.


08-06-06, 20:43
I've also been told that getting anxious can cause ectopic beats etc but they are harmless. Do you also know about normal sinus arrythma? - apparantly as you breathe in your heart speeds and as you breathe out it slows down. This is completely normal but I was convinced I had an irregular heartbeat cos I didnt realise its meant to happen!

I guess you've just got to try and ignore/forget about it. Not that easy though - ive had loads of heart tests and been told I just have harmless ectopic beats but still feel like my hearts gonna stop alot of the time.

08-06-06, 21:44
I believe our minds can cause any symptom! Ive had them all except symptoms to do with the heart (apart from a bout of indigestion that i thought was something worse a few months ago) Im pretty sure i will get the heart one at some point, its so common with anxiety im surprised ive escaped it the last 12 yrs. But its true the more you focus on something the worse it will feel.

Pete to win Big Brother! He is Daddy Fantastic with pants made of elastic!

09-06-06, 02:32
Hi Wills!

Your body and brain are very powerfull tools. You can "think" yourself into a ireg heartbeat. Just as you can with feeling chest pain and thinking its your heart. They are normale body "sounds" that we focus on and blow way out of hand. And sometimes if you check your pulse you may feel as if you "miss a beat" and as yu "miss a beat, your may feel light headed and dizzy. Also when your heart speeds up it is also because the seritona <the cemical responsiable for anxeity> kicks it, it is like a "flight or fight" which is your body "freaks out" becuase it feels something bad is happening or danger.. If you have not done so you should check out the book "its not all in your head" at amazon.com!

Good luck take care