View Full Version : Weird Head/face sensations

04-01-12, 15:36
Iv had a mild cold the past few weeks only around my head ie blocked nose and sniffels. The last 5 days ish iv started to feel really strange, my eye lid has been twitching and the side of my nose has been to, The worst symptom of all is the off balance feeling. I can be on my phone or on laptop and il get a sort of split second dropping feeling is the best way i can describe it. Its making me extremely tired and very anxious. Every movement feels off its so hard to describe. I think its because of this cold iv had but Anxiety tells us otherwise.

04-01-12, 16:06
Lets look at the facts ok so we can get things back into perspective for you :D

First off you have had a cold, second you are a anxiety sufferer.

Eye lids twitching, nose is twitching, both signs of tiredness, signs of being a bit under the weather, when i am run down i tend to get a crack in my top lip, stye in the eye is another one.

Feeling off balance, you have had a cold, the ear nose and throat are very close, what effects one usually effects the other, those little nerve endings in your ears are tensed up from the after effects of the cold+ your anxiety and worry about it, most likely some inward thinking about the feeling too. Sudden feelings of dropping or spinning are both anxiety caused from the tension in your nerves inside the ear.

Take a nice bath, get to bed sensibly tonight and let that body rest x

04-01-12, 17:22
Thank you I know myself whats it is but anxiety takes over