View Full Version : White spot in throat! Terrified

04-01-12, 17:30
Oh God, I was just brushing my teeth there and decided to look in my mouth and I have a while spot behind my soft palate where my tonsils are!! I don't have any pain, I wouldnt even have known it was there. I've had a sort of cold for a few days but hasnt' developed into anything. I'm so scared I'm sitting shaking. It's just the one spot on one side and it's quite small. I check my mouth pretty much daily but this is the first time I've noticed. God I'm so scared.

04-01-12, 17:36
I have lots of white spots, and yellow spots in my throat. Throats look like that, they aren't uniform in colour there are all sorts of patches and lumps and bumps. If you start scrutinising it then you will see things that have always been there, but imagine they are new and a sign of illness.

04-01-12, 17:36
There is nothing to be scared about at all.

It could be mild tonsilitis or trapped food etc

04-01-12, 19:36
Could it be a tonsil stone? Have you tried removing it?

04-01-12, 20:07
Thanks for the replies guys. Haven't tried removing it, I can't see it unless I stick my tongue out. My heart has been racing since I saw it. Why is it when I have been most anxious about my health I'm getting these things?! It doesn't hurt at all and I wouldn't even have been aware of it had I not checked. It's certainly not been there for long since I check my mouth every day. I'm not worried about it being a throat issue I'm more worried that theres an underlying cause, I just feel like I'm getting thing after thing just now. :-(

04-01-12, 20:23
Don't worry, as mentioned above, it's most likely to be, either a food particle, or a very very mild infection. If worried to the point where it is causing anxiety symptoms/the white spot doesn't disappear, go to the doc, have them take a look and appropiate steps will be taken to help you if needed.

04-01-12, 20:40
Thanks wolfie. I looked up tonsil stones and that's what it looks like. My throat isn't red or swollen or sore but I'll see how it is in the morning and if it's worse I'll go to the doctor. I hate this though! I'd feel so much better if anxiety didn't exist haha!!

04-01-12, 21:19
That will be a tonsil stone they are harmless, but annoying! Most doctors/dentists seem to know nothing about them - have done loads of research (as I had them quite often as a teenager - less so now) and they are harmless. Wikipedia has a good explanation of what they are/why they form.

04-01-12, 22:18
Thanks englishgirl. Since I saw it I've just been so anxious and now the symptoms are starting to manifest, like hot and cold, sore bones, heart going, can't concentrate.... I hate this. My dad looked at it and says it looks like a tonsil stone but I'm just worried I'll wake up tomorrow (if I actually sleep!) and it'll be massive! I just don't know why it's happening right NOW of all times, when I've been suffering major and debilitating HA for the past couple of months. It makes me think that there might actually be something seriously wrong with me! :(

05-01-12, 01:26
Pretty sure its a tonsil stone. I suffer from these every day. Basically your tonsils (especially if you had tonsillitis a lot before) have deep tonsil crypts. It is unavoidable that particles, milk food etc all get stuck in them from time to time. The tend to appear a lot when you cough because the muscle squeezes them out. If this is the case, you can usually get something like the handle of a toothbrush and push the tonsil surrounding it and itll just pop out. I warn you though, they smell foul. I have suffered these every day since june. if you want to chat about it, message me back as tonsil stones have become my life of late x

05-01-12, 10:16
Thanks xfilme, I'll probably take you up on that! Went to the doctor this morning and she said it was absolutely nothing to worry about and she checked my glands and they are fine. I feel as though I shoul be relieved but I want this thing out of me!!

05-01-12, 18:27
I'm almost certain what you have described is a tonsil stone.

Give this a try - put your mouth round a shower head (aim it at the area) and turn it on full power for as long as you can bear. It may cause some minor discomfort but it should get rid of it if your shower is powerful enough.

I usually bring up tonsil stones when i clean my tongue and set off my gag reflex.

Try to relax what you have described does not sound like anything serious at all.


Just saw last post, sorry.

05-01-12, 18:40
Thanks for that. :) I'll try anything! I'm still worrying even though I've seen the doctor and she told me it's nothing to worry about. Panicking that I'll wake up in the morning and it'll have taken over my entire mouth or something. I've been rinsing and gargling so hopefully it'll disappear soon. :)

05-01-12, 20:18
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonsillolith - this may be the tonsil you're looking for?