View Full Version : Anyone feel like throwing up with anxiety?

04-01-12, 22:15
I feel like I want to throw up, am so on edge, anyone get this? xxx

04-01-12, 22:36
HI Pauline

Yes I often feel sick with anxiety.This then adds to my panic as the last thing I want to do is be sick in public. I think it is a common anxiety symptom-not that knowing that makes it any easier to deal with! x

04-01-12, 22:41
Its awful and I can't seemt o calm down, my heart feels like its jumping n my chest too :( xx

05-01-12, 02:55
Yes, and I hate it when it happens to me when I'm with friends or in public.

When I'm at home, usually stressing before I leave for something, I actually will often allow myself to "get sick", depending on how badly I feel. It's strange, but throwing up (though I typically just dry heave) sometimes makes me feel better because afterward I feel a bit weak, but also relieved. And in a way, it's nice to feel weak over something as simple as throwing up, as opposed to being stressed/weak over something that isn't as easy to confront.

That's why I don't mind having the flu; it's easy to diagnose, treat (since I'm young and otherwise healthy), and live with for a couple of days. Being that I've suffered from HA and still do, that's a big plus for me. Not that I *like* being sick, but I think you know what I mean.

Granted, I know that throwing up isn't good for me at all, so it's something I'm working on :)

05-01-12, 04:34
Yes i've had it happen a couple of times now, its usually when i've had a shock which triggers anxiety.

There doesnt seem to be much we can do about it, i can go from being fine to sick in seconds.

05-01-12, 05:13
I am sometimes sick from anx, only generally in the mornings though when my anx is worse.

Sometimes I just want to be sick to get it over and done with, but don't want to actually be sick at the same time (it's not pleasant). But once I'm sick I start to feel better, less anx.

05-01-12, 08:18
Hi i used to retch every morning with my anxiety, this went on for about 2 months until my meds started kicking in, it really got me down and i still do if i wake up particualy anxious, i could never make it upstairs to the bathroom tho so i used to spend all morning retching in the kitchen sink :blush: xx