View Full Version : Overactive bladder? IC? what is it?!

05-01-12, 00:15
Hi everyone I hope you can help me somewhat.

I'm a 27 year old female just 12 and a half weeks postpartum after having a baby. I've had problems since day one and initially didnt have a problem with my bladder, which is strange as I've always had an overactive bladder before now.

However after a severe bleed the other day I went to A&E that night and passed some placenta which I thought would be the end of it. He said I had a UTI but gave me generic antibiotics for my pelvic infection. I was hoping that would clear it up but after five days I started getting severe UTI symptoms again, frequent urination (like every five seconds!!), feeling of incompleteness, burning, hurting urethra, constant bladder pain, and sometimes a struggle to pass water. I went to the doctors and they did a UTI diptest and it came back negative which confused me.. she said I probably had an irritated bladder from everything and to see what happens when antibiotics were finished. Well that day things got worse and worse to the point of severe pain down there and in my bladder and I couldn't even go in the end, dunno if it was a mental thing stopping me but I really felt like I could have burst. I ended up back at A&E but all they could do was check me over and give me some stronger painkillers.

These worked for one night but during the day today I've noticed the feeling creeping back, despite taking both the tablets I needed to for the pain. Its hard to even sit now and I wish I knew what was going on..

for a backstory I've suffered an overactive bladder since I was a teenager, haven't been diagnosed with IC or anything yet, but had a bladder US and kidney US which came back normal. It's never really been this bad though, I've had episodes before that lasted a small amount of time but nothing this severe and it panics me. What could it be!? I know my bodies probably a mess after having a baby plus I'm on a TON of medication, but I really was hoping someone who knew the symptoms well would be able to give me advice for what to do... drinking water didn't make a difference it seems! I've drank less today but I was drinking it all day yesterday and I just got worse by the night which is why I ended up in A&E. I'm exhausted, please help :(