View Full Version : beaten my panic attacks, now fighting the anxiety =)

05-01-12, 14:18
Hypnotherapy has really worked for me. I highly recommend hypnosis for panic attacks.

I had a psychologist for about a year and made me feel about 40% better
I've had my hypnotherapist for about 3 months now and I feel 90% better

..... TRY IT!

It's expensive but totally worth it , ive had almost 10 sessions now and ive done soooo much.

My panic attacks used to be so bad , and i mean to the point where I would almost pass out from my fast breathing , fast heart beat and high temperature.

I wouldnt leave the house for about 4 months , lost a lot of my friends, scared the hell out of my family.

Well....18 months on and I feel awesome. Yeah i get anxious from time to time , but the point im making is ... NO MORE PANIC =D lol (cheesey but true)

I don't panic any more ... the only feeling i get now is the butterflys/anxious feeling which is a HUGE improvment.

This post is just to give some hope to those just starting out , or those who have had them for a while now.

It gets better - you've just gotta put your mind to it =)


05-01-12, 15:13
Lovely post, and so glad you are feeling better.

keep up the good work x

05-01-12, 15:16
Inspiring !

06-01-12, 19:46
Well done :) My friend who is a councellor does hypnotherapy and suggested she would do it on me. Think I might take up the offer now xx

06-01-12, 19:58
ahh cool =) what's your friends name? she might be mine! lol x

07-01-12, 00:34
Her names Karen hun and I live in Lancashire :) xx

08-01-12, 05:00
I am so excited for you! That is amazing progress. I have been thinking about hypnotherapy for a long time. Maybe I will research it further.

08-01-12, 11:52
I think there's a massive difference between panic attacks and general anxiety. We would be zombies if we eliminated any feelings of nervousness. The most thing of concern is the times of anxiety/panic for seemingly no logical reason. General anxiety for reasons which are definable, is perfectly healthy.

When I was experiencing major panic attacks and I had no clue what the hell was happening to me, I would get fearful from ANY sign of anxiety. Even a tiny amount of butterflies because I was worried in case they blew up into a full blown attack. I think recognising the difference is key - but obviously we all know that's easier said than done!