View Full Version : One sided pins and needles anyone

05-01-12, 15:21
Over the past couple of weeks, I have been experiencing pins and needles on one side of my body more than the other, my left side always seems to have pins and needles. Its really starting to worry me, tingling and numbness in my face and scalp I have managed to put down to anxiety now as it always happens when I start to stress, but the other tingling in my arm and leg/foot seems to be there all the time. Anyone any experience of this? I have a neuro appointment tomorrow due to headaches, tingling, weird head sensations etc and I am so hoping he doesn't suggest mri :(

These pins and needles took me to a & e just before christmas, my heart rate was 140 when I got there so they did an ecg, plus the dr did a ct scan too to check for any immediate cause for concern, everything was fine, but obviously being an HA sufferer I started thinking about ms etc.

07-01-12, 18:44
:( hate it when no one replies. I have to have an MRI, but trying to be reassured that I passed the tests he did, reflexes, strength tests, etc and also the fact that he is fairly confident that he won't find anything. Now a month wait for the appointment. Dreading not only the results but the fact that I am very claustrophobic, hope I can take a diazepam or something beforehand

09-01-12, 08:53
Jade I suffer from the exact same symptoms as you. As soon as I get over something I get another weird symptom. I am starting to believe it is anxiety related as our brains are very powerful. You will get through this and I hope we can help each-other. I worry myself sick as the saying goes that's what we do - literally. Much love and warmth Hun xxx

09-01-12, 12:53
Thanks so much for your reply, I had to call the docs this morning as really struggling, my legs have been so painful with cramps over the weekend which has stressed me further! Back on the Diazepam for a couple of weeks to hopefully help me over this stressful time x

13-01-12, 05:32
You mentioned headaches. Does the numbness and tingling happen before you get a headache? Do you get numbness only on one side at a time? What you are describing sounds something like my migraines. I have migraine with aura (weird things that happen before the headache starts), but my aura symptoms are unusual because I go numb on one side and feel confused, in addition to visual problems that many people with migraine get. Sometimes I don't even have a headache afterwards, just the numbness. Stress is a very common migraine trigger. If this sounds like what you have, you really must be checked by a doctor to make sure it is just a migraine. I had to have a head MRI to be sure, but it came back fine.

13-01-12, 06:42
I was woken up this morning with pins and needles just down my right arm. It's still tingling away 1.5 hours later. Notably, I was lying on the arm when I woke up so I'm hoping it's nothing serious and will eventually go.

Good luck with your MRI appointment, jade. Keep us posted.