View Full Version : Why do we do this to ourselves?

05-01-12, 16:13
Argh! I posted last night about having found a white spot on my tonsil, I looked it up and it looked like a tonsil stone. I went to the doctor this morning and she looked at it, felt my glands and said it was basically absolutely nothing to worry about and to stop looking at it and checking it. Easier said than done! Since I got home I've been checking and double checking, rinsing my mouth, looking up throat/oral cancer, infections, abscesses, diseases.... CONVINCED that she is wrong.
Why can I just not believe the doctor that it's nothing to worry about?! Why do I keep checking and looking up hideous diseases? WHY AM I LIKE THIS!?
Sorry just had to get that little rant off my chest. :)

05-01-12, 16:41
I know! I mean doctors do sometimes get things wrong and we all know that but that's more an excuse for why we don't accept what they say than a reason... I don't really understand HA... it's hyper-vigilance I suppose isn't it? But I know that it really doesn't serve a useful purpose and is often totally counter-productive and I really should let it go but I can't :shrug: Well, not yet, I really hope to soon

Cell block H fan
05-01-12, 17:31
We must be crazy that's why! I used to be at the doctors every day almost. It must have done her head in. Now see I wouldn't even notice a white spot if I had one on my tonsils, I am a bury my head in the sand person now. I went from one extreme to the other. I would probably need sedating to go to the docs because I would be petrified what they would say!
But, my sis recently found a breast lump when she was looking for it basically, she was sent to the hospital, had a scan, turned out to be no problem, that is very common & doesn't need treating.
Now she got in a right state about that, if she hadn't gone looking, she would be none the wiser.
Although I think with things like that you should examine yourself. Catch 22. But some things you don't need to go looking for & white spots on the tonsils is one of them hun.
I just think that we;re over thinkers!

05-01-12, 20:27
I know exactly how you're feeling, I wish I wasn't like this, I'm worried it's taking me over. I dont know how to escape from these thoughts and stupid Google! :(

05-01-12, 22:01
Such a mixed blessing the internet isn't it, it is so easy and quick to find stacks and stacks of information, most of it worrying to those with HA. When I started having HA many moons ago, there was no internet, and I swear it was easier then to accept the diagnosis of anxiety for people. Too much information is not necessarily a good thing is it.