View Full Version : One month On and still Blurred

05-01-12, 17:47
Ok so still have the blurred vision constant, over a month now, sore eyes, twitching eyes, went to docs today for suggestions. He checked my BP which is fine as always, and looked into my eyes with a light, which he said looked fine checked my reading vision which is ok. But still this odd vision thing feels like a veil over my eyes. He is sending me to a eye specialist, but then he said "do you have any other symptoms like pins and needles down your arms" which I do and that was it.PANIC!.. Those words have sent me into panic mode....why did he ask that?? Why is it you always immediately think something awful why why why.... arrrrrgghhhh!

Does anyone else experience this?
Always do what makes you happy, be with who make you smile and laugh as much as you breathe

05-01-12, 19:56
Hi CF, i was wondering how you were getting on there.

Not sure why he asked that, but doctors do tend to ask questions as part of the health check, i was thinking about this veil over your eyes, is it there constantly or if you get intensly involved in something, anything even if only for a second or two, does it go for that moment? The reason i ask is cause if it was something other than inward thinking about it, then it would not go when you were other wise occupied if you see what i mean?

Its good he is sending you to a specialist, its always best to get checked out by the professionals and once they have concluded that there is nothing wrong then you can try to accept it as anxiety. x

06-01-12, 00:55
Your doctor may have asked about the pins and needles is because its a common symptom of migraines as are your current symptoms like the blurred vision, you dont even have to have headache and just have the aura i know its hard as im worried about my vision atm too but try to relax a little bit to me it just sounds like migraine :-) xx

06-01-12, 11:20
do you know I can honestly say I don't know if its there all the time, because I have moments when I watch the TV and Im unaware of it or when Im distracted at times....mmm Im not sure, but could that be because a month on Im getting used to it or is it because its because Im not thinking about it?

Im deff more sensitive to light like mobile phone/low sun etc:shades:

I admit Its the first thing i check when I wake up.

06-01-12, 15:20
It might be because you're not paying attention to it, its the same with my floaters :)
And light sensitivity is also a migraine symptom so I think you might have migraines def sounds like it, I'm sure all will be well when you go to see the specialist but does sound to me like you have migraine xx

06-01-12, 18:18
Thanks miniholly, for all your replies...can migraines last longer than a month constantly have you had this kind of migraine. I alway associated migraines with headaches have never really been a headache sufferer thankfully but feel for those that do, my husband suffers with migraines but its deff headache, speech, eye related and last about a week.

Oh and I have floaters that come and go in my left eye. I hope you're right. Al least Im seeing some one. Every-time anyone suggest a specialist it just freaks me out, especially an optician cause Im sure this is how all this panic started in the first place (my trigger) a year ago.

Sorry for rambling.


06-01-12, 18:36
Its no problem at all :) And migraines can last for weeks, months even years at a time but they can get better, my grandma used to suffer with them really badly for many years.
And I always used to think migraines were headaches too lol, but you can just get the persistent aura so its just a "headache-less" migraine, I'm pretty sure I have migraines too as I've started seeing black spots in my vision and do have the odd headache and other various symptoms but I also have to see a eye specialist soon so I know how worrying it is!
Hope you feel better soon and feel free to message me if you need to talk about it :) xx

06-01-12, 18:52
Thanks again, :)I hope all goes well with you... And ditto... Anytime! xx

---------- Post added at 18:52 ---------- Previous post was at 18:50 ----------

Hey Mindful How are things with you? Are you well? xx

06-01-12, 19:14
Hiya, I am as well as i can be at the mo, been having a bit of a bad time with hyperventaling just recently, not a new symptom for me, but one i have had the pleasure of dealing with before and am dealing with again. Funny though, since i am now focused on breathing, i am not so much bothered by my eyes :p

I am a migraine sufferer and i can say that when i get the eye aura, for days- weeks after i am so alert when it comes to my vision. I have blurred vision for ages after, i am convinced its more to do with being so aware of it ( in a sense keeping it there because of thinking about it all the time) than i am of it being a migraine after effect. Mind you migraine does come in all shapes and sizes so anything is possible.

I think the best thing for you is to see the specialist, you need to know there is nothing behind it, other than your obsession ( that sounds harsh, it isnt meant to x) about it hun. X