View Full Version : new- headache worry :(

05-01-12, 18:40

Im new here, ive read the forums before and decided to come out of hiding in the hope that i can get some reassurance and maybe some helpful advice.

Im 26 and have 2 gorgeous but demanding/hyper kids oh and a partner who acts like a child!:wacko:

Since my first was born i suffered pnd, about a year on fluoxetine helped that, untill i had my second.... about 6 wks after birth i started feeling like i wasnt me and everything around me was false... it was a bad few wks till the flux kicked in!

So since then (3.5yrs ago) ive been on and off meds, but recently well maybe 2 yrs i started analysing everything about my body, the main one being headaches and truley believing i have a brain tumour or similar.
This has continuely been on my mind :weep:

The past year i have what seems to be air hunger- i need to take deep breaths like a yawn but i cant quite get to the peak, this has been everday since december. But ive had it a few times during the year for a few days/wks at a time.
Doctor has told me its all anxiety/stress related :shrug:

What i wanted to know is if anyone is in a similar position, esp with the air hunger, (this is really upsetting me)

I feel like i cant enjoy my life, children, things going on... even xmas i blanked out.

I only started back on the flux 20mg about 10 days ago so i know ive got a bit longer till it kicks in, but i just wanna feel normal.... happy and id really like to be able to breathe properly again:ohmy:

Sorry its long

05-01-12, 20:33
Hi Twinkle,
welcome to the boards. I just wanted to say hello and I know how horrid health anxiety is and how it can take over. I'm not experienced air hunger myself so cant offer any words of advice - hopefully someone will come along soon who can help you with that. As for the headaches, so many things can cause them, as simple as being dehydrated! I worry too about my head but I think to myself if it doesn't ease off with some pain relief or having something to eat and drink and it's still there 24 hrs later i'd see the Dr. It's VERY unlikely to be anything like a tumour and if it was we wouldn't be able to type, talk and go about our days normally.
Have you ever had some sort of counselling? Its helped me greatly in the past.
Dunno if ive been much help but I just wanted to say Hi and youre not alone! Hope you feel better soon :) x

sherylee xx
05-01-12, 20:54
i have the same fears hun and get the air hunger too :( had it for years xx