View Full Version : viral labyrinthitis and benign paroxysmal positional vertigo

05-01-12, 21:09
That's what the doctor says I have...it's strange having a diagnosis. Everything was violently spinning if I turned my head or lay down/sat up. Even knowing this (and that it will slowly go as most viruses do) I am still convincing me there is more to it. Like I seem to have bouts of coughing (blood clot or start of swine flu), head pain (brain tumour, aneurysm), just lots of things.

I wish I could feel better and not worry about all the things I just listed :( It is helpful knowing there actually is something going on and it isn't all in my head though.

Anyone else feel like this at the moment.

05-01-12, 21:19
My friend had labyrinthitis and he had EVERY symptom you mentioned. He had it for a prolonged period though, it was bacterial and he refused to take antibiotics. He's completely recovered though. I think when we are ill, we really KNOW the difference between anxiety and illness.
I hope you get better soon :)

05-01-12, 23:26
I have a virus at the moment which first caused extreme dizzyness at work and home and has now turned into a congested head :( I'm completely freaking out! Taken the week off work as I can't shift the dizziness or the crapness I'm feeling, hope we get on the mend soon, I'm always thinking its the worst

07-01-12, 02:01
I've had labyrinthitus and can totally empathize with you. All that you are feeling - coughing, headache, dizziness - all part of that benign virus. I was send home to bed to rest, take fluids and take it easy. No different than the doctor's orders for any other virus.
Trust the doc - you'll be fine.

07-01-12, 22:03
I've got Labyrinthits at the moment. And it can last for a few weeks am afraid, am just starting to get better after starting wth it in october ! The severe dizzyness goes away as does the viral infection but the symptoms can last a bit longer. over the last weeks I've been feeling off balance, nauseous, heavy head, increased anxiety ,jelly legs and eyes out of focus. If you want more information or someone to talk to about it this is a great site http://www.labyrinthitis.org.uk/ if you go on the guestbook there are loads of people who have it who are very supportive and you will find all the information you need. Hope this helps and huge hugs as I know how awful it is xxx