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View Full Version : feel like I'm never going to get better :(

05-01-12, 23:31
Hey all,

I'm really worried that I'm not going to recover from this virus I have, it's day 4 and I'm still really congested, feeling sick and really bad light head. My anxiety is making my situation worse but I'm so frightened that I won't recover or it turns out to be a bad illness.

Sat scared in bed and feel like I'm going to puke :( haven't been back to work since I had left on Tuesday morning when my dizzy and spaced out feeling began. So worried, really wish I was with my Mum and family right now :'(

05-01-12, 23:40
I have had these things many times and I know how bad they make you feel. They can take up to a fortnight to shake off but I'm sure your symptoms will ease before then. If not and you're really worried then you should go and see your doctor about it.
It makes you me feel low in yourself which in turn makes the illness seem worse than it is. If you can keep moderately active that can help and maybe do something else to take your mind off it.
Hang on in there:).

05-01-12, 23:40
Viruses can take many days to get over so I am afraid to say that 4 days is not very long

You will get there in time though

Keep eating well and drinking lots of water.

06-01-12, 16:07
Hi, just checking to see how you are feeling. I hope you are feeling much better. I have heard a similar feeling for days, sometimes I ignore and other times it's heard to ignore and the anxiety doesnt help the situation...makes it even worse. Get well soon :hugs:

Hey all,

I'm really worried that I'm not going to recover from this virus I have, it's day 4 and I'm still really congested, feeling sick and really bad light head. My anxiety is making my situation worse but I'm so frightened that I won't recover or it turns out to be a bad illness.

Sat scared in bed and feel like I'm going to puke :( haven't been back to work since I had left on Tuesday morning when my dizzy and spaced out feeling began. So worried, really wish I was with my Mum and family right now :'(

06-01-12, 19:36

Well I'm still off work, sort of accepting my symptoms more but have let them get on top of me and haven't been outside in nearly 48 hours, hoping to get some fresh air this evening though. My nose got completely blocked on Wednesday night and yesterday, but I've been steaming my head lots and my nose is a bit clearer today, kind of proves that it must be a virus! My dr called me today and wrote a perscription as she thinks I might have an inner ear infection with the sinus.

All in all, accepting the symptoms but still not had the courage to go outside feeling like this and haven't gone back to work since!

06-01-12, 19:40
Aw being poorly really does suck x

Maybe just take a little walk to the end of the street, to stretch those legs and get some air? I know that when i am unwell and stay inside for a few days i tend to get anxious about going outside again, brings back my days of being house bound, so little steps to begin with x

06-01-12, 22:09
I walked up the high street and back again, it was really weird as I felt really really dizzy and vertigo, think it's a mixture of anxiety and my virus, my sinuses are sore and tense after being out so it is connected but I'm worried that I am not getting better. I know I am not definitely up for work yet but I wish that after 4 days that I would be feeling better with my dizziness and vertigo :(

Can't shift this feeling of despair about not getting back to normal again

06-01-12, 22:21
I walked up the high street and back again, it was really weird as I felt really really dizzy and vertigo, think it's a mixture of anxiety and my virus, my sinuses are sore and tense after being out so it is connected but I'm worried that I am not getting better. I know I am not definitely up for work yet but I wish that after 4 days that I would be feeling better with my dizziness and vertigo :(

Can't shift this feeling of despair about not getting back to normal again

Give yourself some more time - there are no medals for going back to work before you are ready. It really does sound like a mixture of anxiety and the virus. I know that feeling of despair- sometimes with me its 3 steps forward and then 50 back! You will get there. x

07-01-12, 12:45
At the moment I feel like the lift has broken on the Empire State Building and I have to walk up all those steps from the ground floor, it's a really nice day today and the views outside would be amazing. Stupid anxiety :(

Still feel congested, dizzy and frightened. Going out soon though, really wish I was home with my Mum, i'm a grown adult but when i'm ill all I want to be is home. That Andrex tissue add on the TV depresses me with the girl who has a blocked nose and it shows her through the decades with her Mum there running after her.

07-01-12, 15:06
Definitely give it some time with the vertigo, it is all sinus related and makes you feel really yucky. Every day is another day and do something that will take your mind off it, look for a comfort zone. I have been having vertigo since october and still on inner ear meds so i know how it feels. Ears and sinus are very sensitive so thats why you feel off balance. Try a inhaler using hot water and a minty oil.

07-01-12, 17:57
Went to Sainsbury's today and was out for a 15 minute walk each way there and back again. Initially stepping out of the house I felt so dizzy, disorientated and sinus-ey. My other half had to battle with me to keep walking about 5 minutes in, I was terrified about the prospect of the big supermarket. However I did it! Even though I'm feeling really dizzy, I haven't fainted or blacked out, it must be sinus-ey (even though I still think something might be wrong with me). Bought some vicks to help, not sure if I'm 100% yet or can even face work but at least I'm getting out and about.

It is a nasty virus and symptoms! It doesn't help with anxiety though

07-01-12, 22:54
Got some vicks :)

Might go to the Dr's on Monday if I still have symptoms of it, I think I can just manage going to work on Monday if I feel a bit better.

This thread is definitely a diary of a week of the typical Health Anxiety sufferer, yes, I said sufferer :P

Thanks Emmer for your support, hope you're feeling better too! I still feel dizzy but battling through it xx