View Full Version : starting college tomorrow - scared but excited

06-01-12, 11:23
starting college again tomorrow. I started in september but left due to the hours being too long so ive switched to a part time course which should hopefully be easier.

Feeling a bit anxious but i know i can do it =)

Just need to really push through it !

I'll let you know how i get on =) x

06-01-12, 11:40
Good luck ! You are right, you CAN do it and you will if you keep up with your positive attitude. Scared but excited is a good way to be, it is normal to feel like when anything new change in your life takes place. :D

06-01-12, 12:54
Just remember, most people would be nervous about starting a new course, so don't worry about being worried!

Good luck, and I'm sure once you get there and start you'll find it easier than you imagine. x

06-01-12, 13:00
thanks guys =) x