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View Full Version : Oh my goodness. !!!!!

06-01-12, 12:53
I just got an iPhone 4s and anyone else would be over the moon but all I keep thinking about is the warnings of siezures and other things. Shouldn't have read the manual! Help

06-01-12, 12:55
Have you ever had a seizure?

06-01-12, 12:56
Nope or blackout or any of the other things. it's my mind!! I have had the 3gs for 18 months too so i'm sure that would have had an effect??

06-01-12, 13:01
Those warnings are for people who are prone to seizures! Also, they legally have to put down anything anyone has ever reported. So chances are, anyone who has had a seizure and has reported it, had an underlying problem and it wasn't anything to do with the phone!
I've had an iphone for like 4 years now and i've never had anything like that happen/never heard of that happening to anyone.

I think the chances are so minute, it's not even worth thinking about!

06-01-12, 13:13
Yer I know that deep down, but I just find it VERY hard to tell myself that. Any tips?

06-01-12, 13:14
I think you will be fine :) . Unless you have had a history of seizures, you shouldn't worry about that sort of stuff. You will find that many electronic devices with visuals will have warnings like that. But they are warning on the people it effects, it dosen't mean it will happen to you.

I have just about an apple everything and it has never affected me or anyone else I know

You need to remind yourself you don't have epilepsy, or any type of illness which gives you seizeres. If you think you do, go to a doctor.