View Full Version : Going tense and dizzy become bad habit now

09-06-06, 08:37
I wrote the other day about going really really dizzy in Asda supermarket and it was really horrible and i had noone. The problem now is while i'm at work and when its busy i tense up and go dizzy. It did start at work this dizziness as i tensed up against staff members because they r not friendly people but i like the job. I know in a way i'm doing it to myself because i'm not relaxing and fighting everying at work as though trying to escape. I just want to calm down and relax and accept. Any advice peeps. Thankyou

09-06-06, 09:10
Relaxing shoulders and neck area should stop the dizziness, deep breathing, just roll the shoulders, rub in some relaxing lavendar oil. Listen to some relaxation CDs if you can

Take care

'This too will pass'

09-06-06, 16:18
Hello - I have this problem at work too, even when I'm not feeling anxious. I have to pull my shoulders down and like Daisybun says roll your shoulders and do some stretches. Try to get out for a walk at lunch time, that should help.
Love Helen

09-06-06, 18:16
Me too - dizzy, lightheaded and tense and feeling faint and breathless especially in this heat!! Wenjoy x