View Full Version : Hot weather, panic and nausea

09-06-06, 10:04
Anyone having problems with the heat??

Since this current little heatwave has kicked off, apart from usually feeling wretched in the mornings, I feel nauseous in the heat. When I'm actually out in the sun (which is not often I can tell you), the heat and sensation of burning sun makes me panicky.

I can only cope in the shade - in fact I rarely venture out of my flat or my office during the summer months (except for socialising of course). Travelling in hot crowded trains is unbearable as are hot crowded tourist spots - a cooling fan and cup of tea in my (thankfully!) cool rooftop flat is summer enough for me.

Doea anyone else feel this way during the summer or am I the only neurotic one??

09-06-06, 10:09
You're certainly not the only one!

Is it that our bodies are so sensitive, that the heat makes us go all funny? I find that I cannot take hot water so well since I've had this and have slightly cooler baths. My skin also goes red quicker under hot water and pressure of objects.

I really want it to fresh again, about 23 degrees will be just nice!


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

09-06-06, 10:10
I HATE THE SUN TOO - the heat brings back all my panic symtpoms. I find myself looking at the weather forecast praying for rain.

Katie S x

09-06-06, 10:46
heres a tip try drinking lots of water as the symptoms of dehydration eg spinney head dizzy etc are similar to that of panic not a cure but it does help i find!!! luv kazzie

09-06-06, 11:04
Sorry to say but I love the sunshine!

I feel soooooooooo much better when it is hot and sunny, like I can breath again. My panics usally start as the nights draw in and winter shows its ugly head. The depression and panic lifts for me when the sun shines and the weather is warmer!!!

Hay x

09-06-06, 11:12
You have all echoed my problems to a tee!!

I also have problems with hot baths - how strange..

I've been checking the 5-day forcasts religiously - like a nomad scanning the horizon for the oasis. Come on rain - how about a nice downpour that I can vacate my steamingly hot office for and go and stand in. If it only cools down to the low 20s I can cope!

Juts emptying my second bottle of water as we speak...

09-06-06, 11:14
well i hate the sun too it makess me panic im gonna go even dizzier and faint...i used to love the sun b4 this now cant wait for the cooler weather to come back

09-06-06, 12:51
I like the sunshine it lifts my spirits but i don't like the heat - i fel closed in and can't breathe in it. It also makes me very self conscious and panicky - don't know why! Terrified of getting burnt perhaps or just feeling pressure to go out. Who knows?

Take care

'This too will pass'

09-06-06, 16:07
I too am like you Daisybunn.

The summer light does brighten the spirit but the heat and humidity drag the body and senses down.

I don't like the feel of burning sun on my skin and definitely not on the top of my head (I can't wear hats) - I had sunstroke once in my life and never want it again so I'm pretty careful about being out in the sun.

I suppose a lot of our problem is extreme sensitivity to anything and everything. What wouldn't bother a 'normal' person bothers us to a ridiculous degree. With me it is extremes - of temperature, noise etc. that overwhelm the brain and cause me to panic. The dryness of the air either due to heat or air conditioning does make me feel as if I'm suffocating.


09-06-06, 16:15
I hate the heat too, same reasons as everyone else! I hate feeling hot and sweaty and worry so much about getting sunstroke and dehydrated!
Roll on the autumn!
Love Helen

09-06-06, 16:21
No you are definitely not alone on this one, the spring and autumn temperatures are always my favourites!

I tend to find that summer days tend to make the symptoms worse, and not just those associated with hayfever etc.

Agree entirely with the recommendation of always carrying around a bottle of water if only for those horrible tube trains! Just had a week off and back to the rush hour fun and games on Monday!!

Take care


09-06-06, 18:05
actually i do and i dont. since the good weather my symptoms have been much worse definitely and i havent the energy or patience i usually have but i do love summer and feel brighter about life in general in the summer months. not the last few weeks though

roof terrace. sounds lovely


09-06-06, 18:14
wow - you all sound SOOOOOO much like me- I spent the whole day on my feet in the shop today (29 degrees today) moaning to everyone - feeling dizzy and light headed. Drank 3 litres of water and kept going to the loo to wee and drink another bottle of water - I am ashamed of my moaning but my legs feel heavy and its an effort to even stand up and move!!!! Phew - soooooo glad Im not alone!!!!!! I must admit to going in the staffroom and and dribbling cold tap water down my neck and on my wrists to help cool down !!! how freaky is that!!!! Wenjoy

09-06-06, 19:01
I dont like this heat,i think extreme temperatures make our symptoms mor intense.
Had to walk a couple of miles into town today it was horrid,felt like i was going to pass out the whole time and my legs just felt like dead weights.Im looking forward to the autumn and winter months and the nice heat from a cosy open fire...with the snow falling outside :D

09-06-06, 22:59
I think I might have SAD on top of everything else. I feel so much calmer, braver and happier when the sun's out. I've thought maybe I should live abroad, but I can barely get out of my home town, so not much chance of that.

I've felt horrendous for the last couple of years and not like I've been here at all so, even though I don't feel too great, I want to try and enjoy the summer and make the most of it.

I'm a bit nervy about the World Cup because I'm sure I'd feel depressed if England won the world cup, because I know that that is supposed to be one of the happiest times of my life and i wouldn't be able to fully enjoy it because of my anxiety and i'd probably feel like 'what else is there to look forward to now?'. If anyone follows football, did you see Jose Mourinho being interviewed after Chelsea won the league and he was saying how he still wasn't really happy. Seems to me like he might be depressed himself.

Anyway, the hot weather really saps me of energy and i find it hard to sleep and i'm dehydrated and flustered. But, on the whole I'd rather have it like this than grey and miserable.

Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.

10-06-06, 09:36
I actually prefer shopping in hot weather because once when i took a really bad panic in a shop que , the 2 ladys said to me "oh its the heat" weve had a few people feel light headed in here today.

So i always feel if i do pass out then it can be blamed on the heat and not my mental health !
