View Full Version : Head heavyness from comp or reading?

06-01-12, 20:21
Does anybody get heavyness or preasurre in their heads from prolonged use of either reading or comp use? I'm an avid reader and if am stressed can stay up till 4am reading and was just wondering if this is whats causing the preasure in my head and eyes ?

Thank you xx

06-01-12, 20:50
Could be, I get it if I mess around on my ipad for a long time, I think the leaning forward/position I adopt to use it strains my neck and eyes. The day after a long 'session' :blush: I feel as you describe.

However, another reason is that when a person is really tense they hold lots of muscles in their face and neck tightly. There are so many teeny muscles in your face, jaw, neck and around your eyes that a day of stress/anxiety can cause muscle strain and therefore all sorts of head and eye aches and pains.

And another reason.....do you need your eyes testing....do you already using reading glasses ? Is the light too dim to read by ? Those can cause strain as well.

06-01-12, 20:56
Haha you've hit the nal on the head !! Oops am guilty of dong all those things, even having to wear glasses for a slight prescription but never do !! And I read under a night light most nights so I dont dsturb dh ! How dumb am I to not realise all this :D

Thanks very much xx

06-01-12, 21:07

06-01-12, 21:48
Sounds like eye strain to me.

A simple eye exercise i use when i am reading for long periods is every so often to cup your hands over your eyes blocking out all surrounding light. Do it for maybe 2 minutes or so, it just gives your eyes some breathing space from concentrating x