View Full Version : Mum gone on hols and am panicking

09-06-06, 10:18
Hi All

I am a 35 year odl who can't be away from my mum !!! As crazy as it seems when mum and dad are around I feel safe. I don't live with them I live with my 6 year old daughter and my wonderful partner but druing the daytimes when he is at work and Daisy is at school I am always with my parents.

They have left this morning for a week's holidays with my brother and his wife and I am in a pickle. Feel sick, faint, weak and weepy.

Does anyone else have these separation anxiety issues even though we are grown up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Katie S xxx

09-06-06, 10:42
hi there i can sympathise with you i feel the same every time my partner goes to work he is the only person who knows about my panic attacks and i feel so safe when he is around can you contact your parents if you need to? sometimes i find just knowing where he is and what number i can reach him on helps even tho i rarely use it best of luck and hope you feel better soon take care kazzie

09-06-06, 11:18
im the same hate been on my own fear i will collapse and no one will know..as a result when i am alone i carry my mobile all around the house,even to the toilet..just in case i need to phone for help...i too spend as much time with mum n dad when partner at work i have two small children also and hate to think something happen to me when alone with them
so dont worry u are not alone with this

09-06-06, 12:34
Thanks guys that really helps to know I am not a fruit cake !

09-06-06, 17:37
i hate to see anyone leave especially my folks, but not just because i willl miss them terribly but because i fear for their health when they are away

however people need to go on holidays and i be so proud of my mum and dads attitude to life and how you just live til you die, so in the end i tell them to have a ball, and believe me they do.

a week is no time at all, try to relax and it will fly by


10-06-06, 17:32
Thanks Nigel x

10-06-06, 20:01
Hi Katies

Oh i so understand how you feel, i left home 12 years ago and didnt move far, lol infact 3 streets down, then a house came up for sale 2 doors along from me i plagued my mam and dad to buy it, and they did and im so pleased,

I know i can see them within 2 mins at any time and that is such a good feeling plus my girls can pop along when they want,

I work from home and i know when kids are at school its a long lonely day if your on your own, i can just nip along and say im going to such and such a place do you want to come and off we go,

so no your not alone on this one xx

kairen x

13-06-06, 08:53
Hi Katie

I can fully sympathise with your feelings and find it reassuring to read your post and know that I am not the only one who feels the same! I am nearly 40 and I still feel exactly like this ...its not just my parents ...its when my daughter isn't around or even my friends go on holiday. Having read Nigel's reply I find that makes sense to me too.

The way I tend to deal with it is to plan what I am going to do in between the time ...make a list of all the things I have been putting off and get busy ..that way you tend to think less about it and consequently feel better.

Hope that helps xx