View Full Version : Such a thing as over doing it??

09-06-06, 12:15
Hi guys!

Not posted since i started my new job, for those that missed it i went back to work for 1st time in 2 years 3wks ago.
since i started ive been doing 20 hour weeks!!ive totally thrown myself into it and been fine.all been ok, but today ive woke up and feel so anxious down and tearful and all my old symptoms are back, whereas the last few weeks ive felt kinda free of it to a certain extent!!

is it possible ive over done it? like ive done so well with everytihng and kept it at bay, but now its like i need a release??
got to work tonight, and its going to be packed ( i waitress in a bar by the beach) and im dreading it. feel awful!

i know theres no point getting upset that im slipping backwards cos im not letting that happen. but just wanted some opinions from anyone that all of a sudden feels free'd from anxiety, but then gets it out of the blue?!
does that make sense! im gonna shut up now cos im jabbering!

enjoy the sunshine xxx

09-06-06, 12:48
I feel free from it at the moment to be honest. But am petrified of it coming back. I had it the end of last year & was fine until about a month ago, then pow! It was back, last week i got free again, and im not looking forward to the next bout. I think its a combination of things that can trigger it. I can get stressed about everyday things & i dont suffer from the anxiety until after the event has died down. My mind seems to know i need to be on top but as soon as the stressful situation has passed the anxiety attacks. Could be that you knew you needed to stay focused on the new job, then when you had sussed it all out & could relax into it a bit more the anxiety saw the chance to strike. Pmt doesnt help me either.

Pete to win Big Brother! He is Daddy Fantastic with pants made of elastic!

09-06-06, 12:48
Yes bubblestar I can relate to that. Thought I was on the up then wham - hit me again yesterday and today can't stop shaking. I guess that's just the way it is and will gradually fade away.

Take care

'This too will pass'

09-06-06, 17:22
Hi Bubblestar,

I'm new to the forum so this is my first response to a thread. First of all I'd like to congratulate you for the courage it takes to go back to work, especially working in such a pressured environment. I can completely relate to what you're saying, I did a very similiar thing when I had been out of work for a time then went head first back into full time working and commuting. At the time I accepted the job I was free from the crippling anxiety I had been experiencing and felt ready to return to work but only a few weeks in I started feeling the symptoms again for no apparent reason.

The fact that I had to travel on a coach for 2 hours each way didn't help, so in hindsight I now know that I did completely over do it. Personally I think when you suffer from anxiety and then have a remission all you want to do is rush back into 'normality' and that for me means working. I think we can all too often put too much pressure on ourselves to perform at too high a level and then we come crashing down again.

I've always been extremely clever in hiding my anxiety and believe it or not I spent the best part of 2/3 weeks with a relaxation tape playng through a personal stereo into one ear whilst dealing with customers with the other. I worked in a small travel office in a busy station in central london and was dealing face to face with the general public so at times it felt very claustrophobic. I could've just run away at times but by having the comfort of the relaxtion tape playing quietly in one ear I felt I could cope. No-one ever questioned it because my colleagues thought I was just listening to the radio.

I'm not in anyway suggesting you should do the same but I think if you can master the relaxation techniques in your head you can sometimes challenge the negativity and it will pass. I know it's extremely easier said than done.

I think we're all petrified of those horrific feelings returning but what gets me through is remembering that I've done it before so I know I'll do it again. I may not be feeling my best right now but I've felt this way on a number of occasions during my life and I have the faith that I will return to 'normal' again, whenever that may be.

I just wanted to offer my support and hope that the anticipation of what you feel is worse than the reality when you do get to work. I'm not gonna say you'll be fine because we all know that it's not that simple, but what I do hope is that you find the strength to push on through.:)

09-06-06, 17:39
well you could just be tired and when all people are tired they are more anxious and weepy. it is just that we notice it more and worry more but it is a natural reaction to being tired and perhaps hormonal

well done
