View Full Version : I can't leave my house ;(

07-01-12, 07:05
I have severe panic disorder.
I can't leave my house , when I do I panic and want to escape.
I start school in a week.

Is there any medicine or "miracle drug" that can help me stay in a class room without freaking out. And wanting to escape! ??? I'm so worried !!! School starts soon, and I can't even go out to eat without wanting to escape.

I'm desperate for advice .

I don't like going to the mall, at restaurants, I get panic right away and feel like I wanna run home. :(
Sometimes I get red and sweaty. Sometiems my heart races. Sometimes I MUST Leave :(

07-01-12, 10:46
Aw i am so sorry you are having such a bad time.

have you got someone who can help you, maybe go with you on a short trip at first, i did that and went home when i needed, and over time the trips gor longer.

As for medication, your doctor will advise you on that, but you sound to me as if you may need a bit of help, even in the short time to get you through this bad bout of anxiety.

Please speak to friends or family about the way you feel, as having someone who understands and helps will be a great comfort to you.

Remember you are not alone, there are lots of people who are suffering as you do, and do get better, and you will too. good luck xx:hugs:

07-01-12, 20:45
Yes my family knows about it.
It's not much they can do about it.
It's terrible. I'm worried about school.

I really need to get on fast medicine .
School starts very soon.

07-01-12, 20:49
Oh hun i know how you feel. Best thing to do is get your parents to get you onto some kind of medication or treatment. The waiting time for psychologists and psychiatrists is a longgg wait. I really suggest hypnotherapy tho ... i was in your position about 6 months ago and now im feeling sooooo much better...no medication , pure hypnosis.If you are under 18 the only medication you can have are beta blockers. If you are over 18 you can have citalopram which takes a few weeeks to kick in.

In the meantime i suggest doing a little bit at a time. Walk to the end of your driveway and back 3 times a day for 2 days. Then go a little further, then a little further , then further.

Just keep saying to yourself that your panic attacks cant hurt you and nothing bad can happen

inbox me if you want the name of my hypnotherapist. She's awesome

07-01-12, 21:30
That's not true - under 18's can definitely have medication including SSRI's to treat particular disorders. I was on fluoxetine when I was 16.

07-01-12, 22:28
Hi everyone thank you for the reply.
I am just terribly scared.
I feel like I am going to die, and I worry.
It's just terrible, I have the worst thoughts in my head.
It's terrible. :(
I'm always having panic attacks, now I am even having them at home :(
I can't study, I can't do anything because I'm always paranoid about something bad happening. :((

I feel so hopeless.

07-01-12, 23:52
Hey Worriedgirl87

I know exactly how you feel, so I couldn't read your post without replying.

Are you new to the forum? If you haven't already checked out this thread, do so:


It was my lifesaver!!! I link people to it so much I've been accused of spam haha but the administrators will confirm to you I am not.

It's a link to an online CBT programme - it comes with a free 30 day trial for you to check out. If you don't know already, cognitive behavioural therapy is the number one treatment for panic disorder. This is because panic happens due to you believing certain thoughts - you have to have scary thoughts in order to panic. You might think it's ''something else'' making you panic but it really isn't - again, thats just you believing a thought that isn't true. It's like getting scared when you hear a noise downstairs at night, you're scared because you believe it's something dangerous - until you realise it's the cat or something. But in those moments that you believed the thought something bad was going to happen, you were very scared.

CBT basically teaches you how to recognise when you're misinterpreting thoughts and 'catastrophising' about them, so you are able to deal with your panic and stop it in it's tracks. You will start seeing them for Cats instead of Burglars :)

Seriously, check it out. And feel free to PM me for any advice or chat. I know how much of a terrifying and lonely place it is - but I also know the way out! :D

08-01-12, 05:27
I will try that link thank you so much .

I am on Ritalin right now. And also have panic Attacks over 10 times a day.

Without Ritalin I feel stupid and can't read or remember anything.

Does anyone here take medicine for andietyy and add?

If so what combination pills are you on?

Here are all of my daily symptoms.

- touch my neck , fear of diseases, worry about heart attacks, feel pulse in head feel like my life is over and I'm going to die.

- cant go in store, if I do I look at the ground because my anxiety is so extremely strong I panic when I see other people.

- paranoid of dying or catching diseases.

- paranoid of bad things happening to me.

- sick thoughts in my head, death, ect. Playing thoughts over and over again. Makes me sick .

- I get a billion BAD thoughts in my head at the same
Time, because of my A.d.d. BUT when I DO take my medicine (Ritalin) I think about ONE bad thought at a time, not all of them at once.

- I'm scared of driving, I don't like to feel trapped.

- in scared of being in a classroom, because I feel like everyone is watching me, and I'm afraid the teacher will talk to me and I will sound like a idiot. Also I don't like being in a classroom because I don't like social settings, an I feel TRAPPED in the classroom, like once he shuts
The door I have to act "normal, calm" and have to hide my anxiety. It's terrible. My anxiety is so bad everyone can notice it because I move my arms, legs, can sit still.

Ugh this is hell. I'm constantly convinced I have some type of disease. I get super paranoid. And get confused.
I hate my life these days. Why can't I just be NORMAL? :(((

08-01-12, 15:49
That's not true - under 18's can definitely have medication including SSRI's to treat particular disorders. I was on fluoxetine when I was 16.

Me too I got put on fluxotine at 14 for OCD!

08-01-12, 19:45

Please take time to read and hopefully some of it can help you live a much more 'normal' life again,

02-04-15, 20:32
I'm the exact same.

I actually gave up school as things became too much but i urge you not to do the same thing.
I recommend telling a close friend or group of friends what happens - this will make you feel like you have people around you who know what is happening and are there to calm you down. This, personally made me feel slightly more comfortable when out with friends as they knew exactly what to do if i begin to have a panic attack.

I understand what you're going through and how difficult how things can be - i hope things become better for you, just give it time and don't give up.

02-04-15, 20:44
There is a forum here titled Therapy and a sub forum for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy that is 100 percent free. No 30 day trial. Please check that forum out. :hugs: