View Full Version : Cannot eat anything

07-01-12, 09:54
For over a week now I cannot eat anything and when I try I gag and feel sick. It worries me because I used to love my food.

08-01-12, 00:02
For over a week now I cannot eat anything and when I try I gag and feel sick. It worries me because I used to love my food.

Hi Jayuk how are you feeling ?
I get times like this were i get no appetite can last hours or even days at times i just make myself eat small bits now and then i used to be so worried about it but now am used to it its worse when my anxiety is high as i have no appetite at all it will pass and you will soon be eating again....

08-01-12, 16:13
Try foods that are light and easy to eat - yoghurt, soups, icecream, fruit. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Also try eating whilst watching TV so you're distracted and it doesn't become such a big thing.

08-01-12, 16:23
Ok thanks for the advice. How much should I be eating though out the day?

08-01-12, 16:25
Hey Jay,

Is this lack of appetite related to high levels of anxiety, or is it part of side effects to the medication you started some days ago ?

08-01-12, 17:53
Just eat as much as you can. Obviously over a long period of time it'll have an effect, but often when people are ill they don't eat for days, so it won't do you any harm short-term. Make sure you drink plenty though. Also, if you can manage milky tea or hot chocolate - something with some nutrients in (even if the hot chocolate isn't healthy lol!) Try not to get too hung up on it, cos I've found the more I worry about needing to eat more, the harder it is.