View Full Version : Need To - Have To - Can't ????

07-01-12, 15:33
I am finding when I can get myself settled down enough to do a meditation or breathing exercise I often get a brief bit of symptom relief. I feel like if I could do it several times a day it could retrain my nervous system

Here the problem: most of the day (and night) I am highly agitated - tense and just want to pace - move or scream. The last thing I want to do is sit - when I do the first 10 to 15 minutes are excruciating - all the symptoms get worse and I feel like I am sitting on a red hot skillet or an electric cattle prod.

If you are using these tools (and my therapist says it is the most critical) how do you compel yourself to do it when you are agitated. I would rather go run 10 miles (and I have) than sit and breathe for 15 to 20 minutes.

Thanks for responding

07-01-12, 15:58

its a problem. i know what you are talking about. meditation helps me a bit, but i can't sit for a long time, always feel like i got to do something else...

what symptoms of anxiety do you have?

07-01-12, 16:07
How about all of them !!!! Worst is the agitation - burning - muscle pain - severe gut pain with nausea - feel like I am being poked with a cattle prod a hundred times a day

07-01-12, 16:16
And you feel them all the time?

07-01-12, 16:30
mostly 24/7