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07-01-12, 17:24
this is gonna sound silly, but i am the master of sillyness. Does anyone ever feel like there heart is just gonna stop!!

07-01-12, 17:32
Yes! Its a big fear, probably of alot of people. But if you think about it, you probably dont worry about your lungs stopping working or your liver packing in and yet that could happen too so really its not worth fretting over. I know its a horrible worry though!

07-01-12, 17:54
Yep me too, i was in A+E once and the doctor said to me dont worry about your heart just stopping that want happen, and even if it does you wouldnt know about it as you wouldnt have time to think about it! so stop the thoughts of that happening, if you can still think and control your thoughts then your heart isnt stopping!

07-01-12, 18:25
ive been to see counsellors... psychiatrists... i dont like my GP though. he dismisses my anxiety + not comfortable talking to him about it :s, if he was just a bit nicer he'd make a fortune! (off me lol)

07-01-12, 18:50
Do you get physical symptons as well as the thoughts Pablo? like racing heart, palpitations, Pins+Needles spreading through your face or arms?
I also didnt feel my GP was all that helpful at first,felt like i couldnt explain to him what was happening to me and the way i felt! so i changed GP to a women doctor and it made the world of difference for me! i felt more open towards her and it felt like she understood me more and she made me feel more comfortable about talking about my symptons, and i didnt feel like a fool!
Do you take any medication?

07-01-12, 19:00
i get every physical symptom imaginable, the new one for me is the dizziness ... ugh. .. im on lexapro (or citoprolam? think thats how u spell it ), im just exhausted from the panic and the adreneline rushing through my body, but at the same time im too afraid to sleep incase i don't wake up.

07-01-12, 19:21
I feel for you buddy! I was exactly same, use to only get roughly 2hours sleep a night, staright from waking have strong palpitations and panic all the way through the day, would even lye in bed feeling like i couldnt move, still now it affects me i use to be in a football team, training twice a week game at the weekend, play every match would not stop running for full 90mins, now i get scared even doing a little walk as my heart starts beating faster!
Doing little by little does help! if i feel bad in the morning when i wake (for me wake up with palps, fast heart rate, weak and scared) i have found that it does actually help me to get up go downstairs (even tho my mind is running stupid thoughts, and i am feeling the physical symptons) make a glass of water then go back upstairs have a wash and move a round alittle, i find that my physical symptons pass, honestly these symptons would last all day, now in the mornings they last for around 15-30mins if i think back to how i was i tell myself how much i have improved, i still have alot to do but we need get ourselfs going again dude, go out with are friends, play football (maybe rugby for you as i think thats bigger in ireland then footaball lol) and not worry, these are my targets for the coming months but we must take it slowly!
Physical symptons are the worst thing for me as well and also make me exhausted too, dont let them trick you into thinking you cant do anything i did and lost friends and my job because of it!
I just take propranolol for my anxiety (tried cit and sertraline couldnt handle it) these do help i feel especially with my palps!
Hope you manage to find some comfort and get the right help for you!

07-01-12, 20:43
thanks man! ye i go for walks at night, usually do an hr and a half, cause it relaxs me i find, however other than walking i have a huge exercise phobia. i feel like if my heart beats to fast i will just drop dead, and unfortunately theres no shortage of stories of young men dropping dead playing GAA or the likes :s, i get panicky just talking about it. I feel like im unble to let go of all the horror stories, they're just hanging over me its awful!

07-01-12, 21:04
Thats still what has got me as well mate the exercise phobia, thats why i want go back to football or even the gym, the gym scares me because i saw on news a lad of only 19 have a heart attack after a few mins on a treadmill, (he was saved by a difibulator the gym had, the story was about how these portable machines are life savers) now i cant even step on a treadmill because i am scared that will happen to me, i know that sounds silly!! but like you anything that makes my heart race i start panicing, even when i walk i walk at a steady pace just so i feel like i am not putting any strain on my heart!
So i think we sound alike dude, anything we hear we fear it will happen to us! i let things play on my mind to much, but they are so hard to ignore! my docs have told me to challenge these thoughts by going for a run but i really cant find the confidence! and then i explain my fears, then they say its good to get your heart rate going fast for x amount of time per day! but like you i feel like mine is already going to quick most of the day and if i do exercise this will increase it to dangerous speeds and damage my heart! Be good if we could keep in touch mate see how we get over these terrible stories we hear and fear!

07-01-12, 21:36
totally! i feel like my heart id going 90 most the day! don't wanna put more pressure on it! but then a racing heart is apparently stronger than most because its having a workout in there lol. A jog is completely out of the question for me, i would be way too terrified for a jog! but ye we should keep intouch see how progress goes! ill be going back for CBT again i think..

07-01-12, 21:54
Awesome, feels like a relieve to know that someone is thinking and fearing same as me :)

Yeah i had a 10 session course of CBT which helped me loads as i said i wouldnt even get out of bed, but i feel like i could do with more, my dr for now tho as just told me to keep practicing what i got taught, and read back through my notes to see how i bad i use to be and how far i have come!!
My counselor once said to me if you could understand how strong of a muscle your heart is you wouldnt fear about it! and stated that it could beat upto 200bpm for a good length of time and cause any harm! That made me feel good and confident in my own heart but still i wouldnt take it too high beating levels no matter how much confidence i got!
Ill PM you about keeping in touch mate :)

07-01-12, 22:20
ye the first time i had CBT i was very stand off ish, didnt think it would help at all so didnt work at it all. havnt practised any of what she tired to teach me! +im mving out nxt yr and i need to get myself sorted bfore then!