View Full Version : can an intolerance go ??

08-01-12, 00:19
i was suffering with my stomach bad and docs said acid and gave me Omeprazole, also said IBS but i still wasn't sure so i paid fr a Vega test which showed up wheat intolerance then a week later i paid for a blood test which also said wheat intolerance this was about a year or more ago and i have been eating gluten free ever since and am very strict... but am still getting all symptoms acid / bad trapped or smelly wind :blush: nausea etc ..... so is it worth me sticking to a gluten free diet if am still suffering couldnt i just eat normal wheat/gluten foods if am getting all the symptoms anyway ? my bf says all my symptoms are most prob just my IBS but am still unsure and people who have or had intolerance say that sometimes they just go ??

09-01-12, 18:08
any1 ??

09-01-12, 19:30
I doubt such things go away. If they brought it up I would assume you still have it. Sounds like it's not the root of the problem though, I'd ask for more tests or different solutions to ibs or something.

10-01-12, 21:10
I doubt such things go away. If they brought it up I would assume you still have it. Sounds like it's not the root of the problem though, I'd ask for more tests or different solutions to ibs or something.

thanks for your reply Lizzie
a year ago my stomach was really bad and docs done loads of tests and the thing that came up first where high allergies showing in my bloods then my doc referred me to a allergy clinic who then sent me a letter back saying they will not be seeing me because after carefully studying my notes the doctor at the allergy clinic said my symptoms do not sound like an allergy but more of an intolerance so that's when i went out and paid for two different intolerance tests which both came back as wheat i also have acid reflux which can get really bad and have a horrible burning sensation just below my ribs and can last a long time :weep: but i still couldn't settle as my anxiety kept telling me that there is more to this problem that just IBS and an intolerance but my doctor wont do anymore that have done i think every blood test scans xrays etc they can do and nothing is showing up but even though i started a gluten free diet over about 18 months ago my stomach is still CRAZY lol not suffering as much as i used to but my symptoms do still get me down i mainly suffer with trapped wind / bloatedness / always tired (but i never can sleep of a night ) constipation... thats it really but my mum and sisters all have IBS aswell but they have never had tests for anything else ?? i did have a ceoliac testing which came back as negative aswell

18-01-12, 20:13
I was on omeprazole on and off for a while.. now the gp thinks I might have slow digestion!
Have you tried peppermint tea? I find when Ive not been going properly the wind reflects that! Ive found calcium supplements also help.
When I can eat properly (having a bad time atm), I will be trying the FODMAP diet, its not as restricting as the exclusion diet :)

I started off with lactose intolerance.. then wheat, and Im still not right, so theres prob something else! I do try wheat every so often but really pay for it.
You could always try it again and see. Some ppl say you need to build up a tolerance but Im not so sure x