View Full Version : mole with a 'shadow' around it

08-01-12, 03:39
There's a brown, slightly raised dot on my upper back/ the back of my shoulder. It's surrounded by a paler brown color; the whole thing taken together is slightly bigger than the size of a pencil eraser. I'm only 18 but my cousin got a pre-cancerous mole removed from her back when she was about my age so I know it could happen. I'm just terrified right now. It's been there for months. Just after I first noticed it... maybe a year ago?... my dermatologist said not to worry (after asking whether it had grown, which it hadn't). Now maybe it has? I don't want to die yet, to put it bluntly.
My dad agreed to call his dermatologist on Monday (tomorrow's Sunday, they'll be closed) and try to get me an appointment before I go back to school at the end of the month. Part of the reason I'm freaking out (and I've not totally lost it- I almost feel I should, but I haven't) is that my dad took one look at it and said 'yeah, you'd better get that checked out'. He NEVER takes my health concerns seriously, and this time he has. My mom, who also never listens to my health concerns, agreed that I should get it checked out.

I don't know what I'm asking. I'm just scared. If there is something wrong, would going to a dermatologist in a few days versus at the end of the month make a difference? Does it matter that I've waited for months (I actually tried to get to a dermatologist several times already but my mom kept saying it was unnecessary and my parents transport me to/ pay for everything)? How long can you wait with harmful moles? If there is something wrong, what are the odds that things won't... turn out okay?

08-01-12, 16:42
My boyfriend has moles with shadows around them, they are just fine. All that really matters is if it is changing. Just go to the doctors, it will take the doc 2 seconds to look at it and say it is ok. The doc may even remove it there just so you don't have to think about it anymore. And then it's over! Give yourself peace of mind, that's all.