View Full Version : just wanted to say guys you can do it

09-06-06, 22:42
i have lung cancer i have been given 6 months the secondary is in my liver and my bladder this line has helped alot (nic) alot use it but dont become dependent i have learned to live with agorophobia bpd general anxiety disorder so part of my signing off is to say thank you to the guys who have helped me nic vern steve tara mico sarahs thank you
im dying you can beat this or die and i mean that
thanks for the laughs and fun guys get through it because when time comes you dont even think about it
david constantine

09-06-06, 22:55
We asked before about this and u never replied Dave.

Is this for real?

You never replied last time and it is unfair to come and post like this then disappear. You posted before then disappeared.

Are you sure ? Can we help?


09-06-06, 23:23
David if this is a joke then please don't joke about cancer, I had to go to hospital at one point because they thought I had it :S

If it is true I'm so sorry.

Scooties Back

10-06-06, 09:56
Hi David

Im sorry to hear that.. i dont really know you but i had scare not that long ago.. and its definitely no joking matter.. luckily im in the clear now it turned out to be a abscess...

im really stuck for words here.. have you got support at home family etc...

lucy x

10-06-06, 16:31
hi dave,i did send some healing but you never got back to me so i was not sure if it were for real,as a cancer survivor[so far so good]it is important to know it is not a wind up.I have a feeling you are for real,So Dave pm me again any time and we can talk please do.God bless mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

marie ross
10-06-06, 17:23
Hi David,

It is so kind of you that you are thinking of us all even though you are going through so much. All my prayers are with you, and i hope that you have plenty of good friends and loved ones with you..

Take care.

Marie XXX

10-06-06, 23:20
Hi Dave

Sorry to hear from you in such sad circumstances. I can't really imagine what you are going through but I suppose if you've been diagnosed with terminal cancer then it puts a lot of things in perspective.

Please come back and post if we can do anything to help support you through this.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

13-06-06, 14:51
Hi Dave,

Just wanted to say that I'm thinking of you.


stevie boy
19-06-06, 14:45
im sorry to say this but i have a feeling that this is just wind up im sorry if im wong david but you been know to do this type of thing its not funny to say you are going to die and then not reply to anyones post who are worried about you it is sick and i think you are doing it for the Attention

stevie boy

19-06-06, 16:31
Hi Dave, If this news is true then i am really sorry for you.

I don't mean to be judgemental but people must have a screw loose to play such a sick joke like this (if it is a joke)

Dave, the reason I think it's some kind of sick joke is because you don't sound very cut up about it at all and I know that I would be!

Take care



26-08-08, 05:43
im sorry to hear the bad news and wish you luck. try to stay strong , hope you are having the craziest 6 months left. get out there and enjoy it <3